= Google Summer of Code 2018 = [[TOC(GSoC/2018, depth=2)]] This page is for the students who make proposals as well as those who work on projects for RTEMS as part of GSoC 2018. = Students' Proposals = Start filling in this table for yourself as soon as possible and update as needed. || '''Student''' || '''Completed Hello''' || '''IRC Handle''' || '''Proposal Title''' || '''Google Docs URL''' || '''Final Submitted''' ||NAME || Yes or No || nick on #rtems || Project Title || [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F5XCodvX8AYNqWX5ssu7dfjkmFT__83uf8ABKbB_Pkg/edit?usp=sharing Link to Google Docs for proposal (shared with mentors)] || Yes or No ||Braden Elliott || Yes || braden on #rtems || STM32F446RE BSP || https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nUlxKEiiW19ZxnN1Zn_ZLNP4R30kSAMXEF9VwQizq3w/edit?usp=sharing || Yes ||ANSHUMAN CHHABRA || Yes || anshuman23 on #rtems || TBD || TBD || TBD ||Amaan Cheval || Yes || Amaan || x86_64 port and BSP || https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X79Yj0DNqvaDFqpJMUX4gF3WC550GDvVDS5QufvAnFE/edit?usp=sharing || Yes ||Vidushi Vashishth|| Yes || reachvidu on #rtems || Runtime tracing || https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M7IUGsK3J6zqsNmyDhWKuRT69m4_SWqjftczrJKgHPM/edit?usp=sharing || TBD ||Vijay K. Banerjee|| Yes || vijayk on #rtems || Improve Coverage Analysis Toolset || https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UjCWE1ojrpDQLQ2fQqxHU0SCrLETlerxD6t0SOcQNLQ/edit?usp=sharing || Yes ||Udit kumar Agarwal|| Yes || madaari on #rtems || Porting SDIO driver and benchmarking || https://docs.google.com/document/d/15Ut9FLAV3Y0Up1Qn02ys6KAb2QhtReF_P-wNR861NMo/edit?usp=sharing || Yes ||Salil Sirotia || Yes ||salil on #rtems || Posix Compliance || https://docs.google.com/document/d/15aUQShwRzIOQQoNAGV9jjeJ1Q2CHLcv_icamEqrTORE/edit?usp=sharing || Yes ||Danxue Huang || Yes ||Dannie on #rtems || RTEMS Release Notes Generator (ticket: #3314) & RTEMS POSIX User Guide Generator (ticket: #3333) || https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cHFxkgv9VjDV0UrVAOaDyeE3XqnAXHQo70ciVpUSG58/edit || Yes The columns are to be filled in as follows: * The ''Student'' column is for your name. * The ''Completed Hello'' column lets us all know whether or not you completed the mandatory Hello World project. * The ''IRC Handle'' column is your handle on IRC. RTEMS folks hang out in #rtems on freenode.net. * The ''Proposal Title'' should be self-explanatory. * The ''Google Docs URL'' is your proposal in Google Docs that can be reviewed and commented on by mentors. The [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F5XCodvX8AYNqWX5ssu7dfjkmFT__83uf8ABKbB_Pkg/edit?usp=sharing proposal template] should be '''copied''' and used as a baseline. This can be shared with mentors for review. Mentors can insert comments for you. You can use this as your Draft Proposal in the [https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com GSoC site]. * The ''Final Submitted'' should be set to Yes when you have submitted your Final PDF proposal on the official [https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com GSoC site]. If you do not submit the final proposal via the Google site, you cannot be considered! = Students' Summer of Code Tracking Table = Students whose GSoC project is accepted by RTEMS shall fill in a slot with their information in the following table, which helps to centralize [wiki:Developer/GSoC/ProjectManagement SoC Project Management]. ||'''Student Name'''|| '''IRC Handle''' || '''Project Link''' || '''Repository Link on Github''' || '''Blog''' || '''Calendar''' ||NAME || nick on #rtems || [https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2018 Project Wiki] || [https://github.com/rtems/rtems Project's Github repo] || [https://www.rtems.org Blog] || [https://calender.google.com Project Schedule] ||Udit kumar agarwal||madaari|| [https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2018/Porting_SDIO_and_Benchmarking Wiki] ||[https://github.com/madaari/GSoC-Porting-SDIO-driver-and-benchmarking Github]||[http://blog.uditagarwal.in/ Blog] || TBA ||Amaan Cheval||amaan|| [https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2018/x86_64_BSP Wiki] ||[https://github.com/AmaanC/rtems-gsoc18 Github]||[http://blog.whatthedude.com/ Blog] || [https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=cmNyOWhkMGp1N2kyNmE5aTFjZnRnZ2NlZW9AZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ Calendar] ||Vijay K. Banerjee||vijayk|| [https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2018/coverage_analysis_toolset Wiki] ||[https://github.com/thelunatic/rtems-tools Github]||[https://thelunatic.github.io/rtems_gsoc18/ Blog] || [https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=NTIzYWpuaWxmbnVxNzByY2NodGk4cDI5aDBAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ Calendar] ||Vidushi Vashishth||reachvidu||[https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2018/EnhancementRuntimeTracing Wiki]||[https://github.com/VidushiVashishth/rtems Github]||[https://vidushivashishth.github.io/ Blog]||TBA|| ||Danxue Huang||Dannie||[https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2018/Release_Notes_Generator_%26_POSIX_User_Guide_Generator Wiki]||[https://github.com/dh0072/GSoC---2018 Github]||[https://dh0072.github.io/GSoC---2018/ Blog]||TBA|| ||Salil Sirotia||salil||[https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/2018/Posixcompliance Wiki]||[https://github.com/salil0907/RTEMS Github]||TBA||TBA The columns are to be filled in as follows: * The ''Student'' column is for your name. * The ''IRC Handle'' column is your handle on IRC. RTEMS folks hang out in #rtems on freenode.net. * The ''Project Link'' is a link to the Wiki page for your project. * The ''Repository Link on Github'' is a link to the github repository for your project. It should be a specific repository, not just your github account! * The ''Blog'' is a link to your blog with entries about your project. It should be updated regularly during the summer. * The '''Calendar''' is a link to your Google Calender with milestones and deliverables identified. = Student Status Updates = Each student has a section below for putting in notes from the weekly IRC meetings. == Gedare == * Jan 5: GSoC 2018 application submitted and tracking status page created. * May 16: Held Initial Meeting * Set format of meeting * Discuss expectations: * Participating in IRC and mailing lists. * Attendance at weekly meetings and giving status updates on wiki. * Posting to Github each day of work. * Merging significant pieces of code as they are ready. * Providing blog posts every week as you learn new things and achieve milestones. * Frequent interaction with your mentor. * Maintain documentation as needed for your project, and update any relevant tickets. * Do not let yourself be stuck for more than a day on something. * Student Updates == Joel == * Jan 5: Signed up as an Org Admin. == Amaan Cheval == * May 16 * Added [https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Simulators/QEMU#QEMUandUEFIusingOVMFEDKII instructions for running QEMU with UEFI (built using OVMF)] to the wiki * [https://github.com/AmaanC/rtems-gsoc18/tree/ac/stub-x86-link-tests-pre-bspreorg-bak Completed a compile stub which builds and links to tests] with the x86_64-tools (before the BSP source reorganization) * [https://gcc.gnu.org/git/?p=gcc.git;a=commitdiff;h=602fa1e9d3ea5e87d4d6e17e3e91fc2647e42da3 GCC patch] for -qrtems, -qnolinkcmds, etc. * [https://git.rtems.org/rtems-source-builder/commit/?id=defa958301215995b0fa41d8e65cb23c9a28a847 RSB patch] to backport the above GCC patch * [https://gcc.gnu.org/git/?p=gcc.git;a=commitdiff;h=ab55f7db3694293e4799d58f7e1a556c0eae863a GCC patch] to have GCC build crti.o and crtn.o (for _fini symbol) * [https://git.rtems.org/rtems-source-builder/commit/?id=a3a6c34c150a357e57769a26a460c475e188438f RSB patch] to backport the above GCC patch * [https://github.com/AmaanC/rtems-gsoc18/tree/ac/daily-01-compile-stub Started on compile stub] after rebasing for BSP source directory reorganization * Started thinking about and discussing how the UEFI application's PE file will be generated with our build system. Options: 1. EFL to EFI/PE converter in rtems-tools 2. Generate PE headers through ASM file within rtems kernel * May 23 * Complete compile stub after BSP reorg rebase * Investigate possbility of updating GCC to have an empty bsp_specs file for the new port. [https://lists.rtems.org/pipermail/devel/2018-May/021601.html Looks likely!] * Research various methods possible of making an OS UEFI-aware [https://blog.whatthedude.com/post/uefi-app-options/ blog about it] * [https://www.sourceware.org/ml/binutils/2018-05/msg00197.html Make patch to binutils] to add pei-x86-64 target to tools to allow using objcopy for ELF->PE conversion * Next: Investigate how FreeBSD builds and links to gnu-efi (potentially problematic for us since initial research suggests the need for -fpic -shared code) == Vijay Kumar Banerjee == * May 16 * Progress so far : * The configuration files for coverage analysis are added. * The Coverage analysis is running from the top of the build tree. * txt coverage reports show good data . * Blockers: * The html reports don't show any data. * The coverage can't be run from out of the the build treee (the address in score-symbol.ini needs to be updated for that) * Current status: * working on the gcov support in covoar. currently producing the gcno file by changing the GCC flag and then feeding that to covoar is the next milestone. == Udit kumar Agarwal == * May 16 * Progress so far : * Comparison and testing of different benchmarks on FreeBSD * Carried out performance analysis of SDHCI and SDIO driver on FreeBSD: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_lf9S136z0tJyni9W3t1__Rlrkal1fd6L7-vnlmYQpc/edit?usp=sharing Results] * Blockers: * IO Benchmark to be used, is yet to be finalized, before starting with the porting process. * Current status: * Understanding the internal working of IOZONE to see if most of its features are supported on RTEMS == Danxue (Dannie) Huang == * May 16 * Topic discussed: * Introduction about two tickets I am going to work on: RTEMS Release Notes Generator & Automate Conversion of Newlib Markup to Sphinx * Adjustment on process for generating the release notes * Current progress: * Fetch all the information and generate report from Trac * Refactor RSS page by using Python script == Vidushi Vashishth == * Progress so far: * In the middle of developing use cases for the tracing framework * Working on setting up CTF traces on MacOS, and improving barectf * Current blockers: * Building difficulties due to extensive dependencies on numerous libraries that might not be compatible with MacOS * Will try changing development environment to Linux and duplicating the efforts