= RTEMSSummerOfCode2013 = [[TOC(GSoC/2013, depth=2)]] [[Image(Soc-logo-google-blue.jpg)]]
[http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2013 Google Summer of Code 2013 Office Web Site]
RTEMS is happy that the Google will once again sponsor the Summer of Code in 2013 and that RTEMS plans to apply to be a participating organization. Please use this page as a jumping off point and ask questions. The most important thing is becoming a part of the community and participating. Potential Students: Read through all the material on this page, and be sure to add yourself to the table in the Student Information section. Remember to fill out an official GSOC application in addition to the informal application we request. We also require you build RTEMS, create an application, run it and post the result to the RTEMS mailing list. The Configure and Build RTEMS page has the details on how you do this. Information on what to post are found on the Prove You Can Work On RTEMS page. For new comers to RTEMS we recommend you use a proven Virtual Machine image. Potential Mentors: Share your knowledge and pledge to help a student. Visit the [1] URL for GSoC 2012 to register as a mentor and then add yourself to the list of RTEMS Mentors. Potential Students: Read through all the material on this page, and be sure to add yourself to the table in the Student Information section. Remember to fill out an official GSOC application in addition to the informal application we request. We also require you build RTEMS, create an application, run it and post the result to the RTEMS mailing list. The Configure and Build RTEMS page has the details on how you do this. Information on what to post are found on the Prove You Can Work On RTEMS page. For new comers to RTEMS we recommend you use a proven Virtual Machine image. Potential Mentors: Share your knowledge and pledge to help a student. Visit the [1] URL for GSoC 2012 to register as a mentor and then add yourself to the list of RTEMS Mentors. Information for prior years: * See RTEMS [wiki:GSoC/2012 Summer of Code 2012] * See RTEMS [wiki:GSoC/2011 Summer of Code 2011] * See RTEMS [wiki:GSoC/2010/Main **NAME** Summer of Code 2010] * See RTEMS [http://wiki.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/RTEMS_Summer_Of_Code_2009 Summer Of Code 2009] and [http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2009 Google Summer of Code 2009] * See RTEMS [http://wiki.rtems.org/wiki/index.php/RTEMS_Summer_Of_Code_2008 Summer Of Code 2008] = General Information = = General Program Information and Guidance = * [http://www.google-melange.com/ Google's Starting Page for the Summer of Code] * [http://www.booki.cc/gsocstudentguide/ GSoC Student Guide] - This is a community developed book. = RTEMS Specific Information = * [wiki:TBR/Delete/Virtual_Machines_for_RTEMS_Development Fedora 14 RTEMS 4.10 and 4.11 Virtual Machines] are pre-configured RTEMS development environment on Fedora 14. They are virtual machines playable with [http://www.virtualbox.org VirtualBox]. For students who do not have a dedicated Fedora 14 installation, this is a great way to work with RTEMS with a minimum of pain and setup. * [http://www.rtems.com/moodle/ RTEMS University] - included are presentations on GSoC and RTEMS as well as a presentation on GSoC from the RTEMS Project perspective. * [wiki:GSoC/GettingStarted GSoC Getting Started] - getting up to speed with RTEMS development for GSoC students. * [http://rtems.org/onlinedocs/doc-current/share/rtems/html/ RTEMS User Documentation (CVS)] Be sure to add yourself to the table below. = Project Ideas = [wiki:Developer/OpenProjects Open Projects] contains the open projects list for RTEMS. It is by no means an all inclusive list and we are open to suggestions. Submissions of ports to new architectures, new BSPs, new device drivers, and test improvements are always welcomed. = Students Proposals = The final version of your proposal must be submitted via Melange at Google. But until then, please use Google Docs and put the link in this table. That way any mentor or RTEMS community member can request access and comment on your proposal. Students.. please don't peek at each other. :)
{| border="1" style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;text-align: center;" |+ |- |'''Student''' || '''Completed Hello''' || '''IRC Handle''' || '''Proposal Title''' || '''Google Docs URL''' |- |NAME || Yes or No|| on #rtems || Title || Link to Google Docs for proposal | |- |Sagara Paranagama || Yes || sagara89 || Device Drivers for Raspberry Pi Port || Link to Google Docs for proposal | |- |} The ''Student'' column is for your name. The ''Completed Hello'' column lets us all know whether or not you completed the require Hello World project. Based upon our experience, students who have successfully compiled and run an RTEMS application have a MUCH MUCH higher chance of success on the proposed project. The ''IRC Handle'' column is your handle on IRC. RTEMS folks hang out in #rtems on freenode.net. The ''Proposal Title'' should be self-explanatory. If approved, we will ask you to create a code.google.com project to host your work and link to it here. You will need to give at least your mentor and [wiki:User:JoelSherrill Joel Sherrill] read/write access. The ''Google Docs URL'' is your proposal in Google Docs that can be reviewed and commented on by mentors. = RTEMS Mentors = See our [wiki:GSoC/Mentors RTEMS Mentors] page for a list of potential project mentors.