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Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of GCI/Coding/AddPerSectionSupportToBSPs

10/29/18 13:32:49 (6 years ago)
Vijay Kumar Banerjee

update libbsp reference to bsps/


  • GCI/Coding/AddPerSectionSupportToBSPs

    v9 v10  
    1313**Pre-Requisite**: You '''must''' have completed "Getting Started: Hello World" or the equivalent of [wiki:GSoC/GettingStarted Getting Started for GSoC Students] before attempting this task.
    15 This task consists of turning on this capability for a specific BSP family. A BSP family is the collection of BSPs under a single directory such as c/src/lib/libbsp/CPU/BSP_FAMILY. The make/custom directory has a BSP.cfg file for each BSP which may be built. If the BSP Family supports multiple BSP variants, the BSP.cfg files may include either a shared ".inc" file or a base ".cfg" file with common settings.
     15This task consists of turning on this capability for a specific BSP family. A BSP family is the collection of BSPs under a single directory such as bsps/CPU/BSP_FAMILY. The make/custom directory has a BSP.cfg file for each BSP which may be built. If the BSP Family supports multiple BSP variants, the BSP.cfg files may include either a shared ".inc" file or a base ".cfg" file with common settings.
    17 All BSPS for the SPARC architecture support this advanced capability. For an example, see the file c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/erc32/make/custom/erc32.cfg. Note the following lines at the bottom of the file which turn on the advanced capabilities.
     17All BSPS for the SPARC architecture support this advanced capability. For an example, see the file bsps/sparc/erc32/make/custom/erc32.cfg. Note the following lines at the bottom of the file which turn on the advanced capabilities.
    31 macro to such sections. See for example c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/shared/startup/linkcmds.base which has already been tailored. Each BSP will have a linkcmds file which may or may not include a shared base file.
     31macro to such sections. See for example bsps/sparc/shared/startup/linkcmds.base which has already been tailored. Each BSP will have a linkcmds file which may or may not include a shared base file.
    3333=== Task Requirements ===
    8080* Edit one or more .cfg and .inc files to add the appropriate options to CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_V and LDFLAGS as shown in the previous section.
    82 * Edit one or more linkcmds files located within either c/src/lib/libbsp/CPU/BSP/startup/ or c/src/lib/libbsp/CPU/shared/startup to add the KEEP directives.
     82* Edit one or more linkcmds files located within either bsps/CPU/BSP/startup/ or bsps/CPU/shared/startup to add the KEEP directives.
    8484Using the "build_bsp" script, rebuild each the BSP variants in the BSP Family and again keep a running record of the sizes. The before and after size information is a critical part of the commit information.