= RTEMS Workout at FOSS.IN = This is the standard workout proposal template provided by the FOSS.IN team. = Proposers = Aanjhan Ranganathan and Santosh G. Vattam. Aanjhan Ranganathan is a Masters Student at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne(EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland. He worked on RTEMS as part of Google Summer of Code 2009. His project was [http://rtems.com/wiki/index.php/MMU_Support MMU Support for RTEMS] and he was mentored by Thomas Doerfler. He has been a part of FOSS.IN since 2005 and presented a talk at FOSS.IN last year as well. Santosh G. Vattam worked on RTEMS Testing as part of Google Summer of Code 2009. His project was [http://rtems.com/wiki/index.php/RTEMS_Coverage_Analysis Coverage Analysis] for RTEMS and he was mentored by Joel Sherrill. He has been a part of FOSS.IN since 2008. = Purpose = = Abstract = = Pre-requisites = = Hardware/Software = Laptop with GNU/Linux installed on it (preferably a RedHat based distro). = Brainware = * Programming Language: C * Basic bash Shell scripting * Interest and high motivation to work on embedded systems (both with arch/board simulators and real boards) * Loads of patience (for debugging, debugging embedded systems is not trivial). = Links to overall design/architecture = = Pre-event Preparation = * Install and configure a Virtual Machine. Virtual Machine images will be provided. * If VM is not preferred by the participant then one can build the RTEMS toolchain and then build RTEMS. * Build instructions for the toolchain for Debian/Ubuntu - [http://rtems.com/wiki/index.php/Building_the_RTEMS_toolset_on_Ubuntu here] * Or for a [http://rtems.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_Start Quick Start] using prebuilt tools * Run the custom "[http://rtems.com/wiki/index.php/GSoC_Getting_Started Hello World]" program to confirm your build is fine. * Read basic design docs of RTEMS. = Tasks = * Getting MMU support code from GSOC project cleaned up, add more features as listed on "Future work" section of the GSOC report * Improving code coverage on sparc BSPs with libcsupport included. * Some basic UI stuff - E.g.: Some improvements to Roxana's work. * Clean ups and documentation. * Maybe writing a device driver. * Writing a UI in python for Coverage analysis. = Existing work = = Getting in touch = * [http://www.rtems.org/ml/rtems-users RTEMS Users Mailing list] * Internet Relay Chat #rtems @ freenode.net * Individual for FOSS.IN Workout ''aanjhan at gmail dot com'' and ''vattam dot santosh at @ gmail dot com'' = Participants = * Aanjhan Ranganathan * Madhusudhan C S * Santosh Vattam * [add your name here]