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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Developer/Projects/Open/InternetOfThings

03/02/16 14:10:02 (8 years ago)
Joel Sherrill

New page.


  • Developer/Projects/Open/InternetOfThings

    v1 v1  
     1= RTEMS Internet of Things (IoT) Infrasructure =
     4[[TOC(Developer/Projects/Open/InternetOfThings, depth=2)]]
     9This project idea was suggested by Pierre Ficheux. He and other RTEMS community members may be appropriate mentors depending on what part of the infrastructure is being ported/provided.
     13No student has worked on this project before.
     17Uninitiated. Definition and refinement required.
     21The Internet of Things (IoT) is the current buzzword. What this means in reality is connected devices. This connection is usually via a wireless communications mechanism like Wifi, Bluetooth, or a more specific infrastructure like Zigbee.
     23Beyond communications infrastructure, there are some communications protocols supported by open source packages which should be supported.
     25Finally, these devices are usually low end, low power, etc. and thus attention should be paid to footprint.
     29The goal is to provide a robust set of capabilities which provide IoT capabilities. This will not be achieved by porting a single package.
     31Some of the capabilities/packages will only be appropriate for small target boards. However, the IoT RTEMS vision is to be able to provide IoT  support for both low and higher end (e.g. Beagle, Pi, etc.) devices.
     35Someone working on this project will need access to appropriate target  hardware to test on. They will most likely need C or C++ programming experience although some application packages may be in other languages.
     37Some of the capabilities are communications oriented and someone working on this will need familiarity with and a way to test. Other capabilities will be protocols over TCP/IP or HTTP and the student should be familiar with that.
     39Some of the communications packages may only be testable on specific hardware. Application level capabilities may be able to be tested on any RTEMS BSP with TCP/IP support.
     41'''Specific Capabilities:'''
     43This is a list of packages/capabilities that have been identified as following under the IoT stack umbrella:
     45 * [ 6LoWPAN] Support - Identify and port a stack.
     46 * Bluetooth Support - Identify and port a stack.
     47 * [ PicoTCP] Support - Port if viable.
     48 * TBD  more...
     50These existing projects support this goal. Each has its own status:
     52 * [wiki:Projects/Open/PortMonkey Port Monkey HTTP Server] - Port the [ Monkey HTTP Server].
     53 * [wiki:Projects/Open/TIPC Port Transparent IPC] - Port [ Transparent IPC (TIPC)].
     54 * [wiki:Packages/LWIP LWIP] - LWIP Support.
     61 *  TBD
     63= Miscellaneous Sections =
     65As the project progresses, you will need to add build instructions, etc and this page will evolve from a project description into a HOWTO.
     67= References =
     68 *  TBD