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Changes between Version 310 and Version 311 of Developer/OpenProjects

03/21/13 17:25:06 (11 years ago)


  • Developer/OpenProjects

    v310 v311  
    4 Welcome [wiki:GSoC  Summer of Code (SOC)] Students and hackers.  Peruse our projects, and if you have questions ask on the [wiki:TBR/Website/RTEMSMailingLists  RTEMS mailing list] or [wiki:Developer/IRC IRC].  If you plan to submit a proposal to do something for the RTEMS Project as part of a SOC, see [wiki:GSoC/GettingStarted  Getting Started for SoC Students] for our SOC getting started guide. RTEMS projects span kernel hacking, adding support for a new board (BSP), improving the development environment, developing tests, and more.
     4Welcome! Whether you're here because of [wiki:GSoC  Summer of Code (SOC)] or just want to scratch an itch to hack, we invite you to peruse our projects and ask about them on the [wiki:TBR/Website/RTEMSMailingLists  RTEMS mailing list] or [wiki:Developer/IRC IRC].  If you plan to submit a proposal to do something for the RTEMS Project as part of a SOC, see [wiki:GSoC/GettingStarted  Getting Started for SoC Students]. RTEMS projects span kernel hacking, adding support for a new board (BSP), improving the development environment, developing tests, and more.
    6 If you are looking to get your feet wet with RTEMS then check out our [wiki:Small_Projects_  small projects page] where you can find projects that require little coding skill and are appropriate for those new to RTEMS or open source software projects. If you are interested in one of these projects but are not able to code and test it yourself, consider sponsoring one of the core RTEMS developers to do it for you. Volunteering or sponsoring is how things get done -- users keep RTEMS development alive!
     6If you want to get your feet wet with RTEMS then check out our [wiki:Small_Projects_  small projects page] where you can find projects that require little coding skill and are appropriate for those new to RTEMS or open source software projects. If you are interested in one of these projects but are not able to code and test it yourself, consider sponsoring one of the core RTEMS developers to do it for you. Volunteering or sponsoring is how things get done -- users keep RTEMS development alive!
    8 Most of these projects will take between a few weeks and a few months of effort by a person who is familiar with the general use of GNU/Linux
    9 and GNU tools.  Many RTEMS projects are done as student or volunteer efforts, so we try to define small projects or subtasks that can be completed and committed individually.
     8Most of these projects will take between a few weeks and a few months of effort by a person who is familiar with the general use of GNU/Linux and GNU tools.  Many RTEMS projects are done by student or volunteer coders, so we try to define small projects or subtasks that can be completed and committed individually.
    109Most of the projects are feasible as a [wiki:GSoC  Summer of Code] project.  Since some projects have multiple steps, students should work with prospective mentors to define the scope of work in their proposal.  Similarly, some projects might be a starting point for a class project or graduate thesis.