Notice: We have migrated to GitLab launching 2024-05-01 see here:

Version 7 (modified by Gedare, on 03/01/12 at 20:49:52) (diff)

/* Update from upstream master (RTEMS head) */

Git Committers

Table of Contents

    Error: Page Developer/GitCommitters does not exist

TODO: Some guidelines for anyone who wishes to contribute to rtems... Patches? Pull Requests?...

The preferred workflow for making changes to RTEMS is to push patches to a committer's personal repository in public view and then merge changes from there. For working on enhancements or bug fixes committers are encouraged to push to branches on their personal repositories and to merge into the main RTEMS repository from their personal repository. Personal branches should not be pushed to the RTEMS repository.

SSH Access

Currently all committer's should have an ssh account on the main git server, If you have been granted commit access and do have an account on one should be requested on the rtems-devel@… list. SSH access for git uses key logins instead of passwords. The key should be at least 1024bits in length.

Personal Repository

Personal repositories keeps the clutter away from the master repository. A user with a personal repository can make commits, create and delete branches, plus more without interfering with the master repository. Commits to the master repository generate email to the rtems-vc@… list and development type commits by a developer would only add noise and lessen the effectiveness of the commit list.

A committer should maintain a personal clone of the RTEMS repository through which all changes merged into the RTEMS head are sent. The personal repository is also a good place for committers to push branches that contain works in progress. The following instructions show how to setup a personal repository that by default causes commits to go to your private local repository and pushes to go to your publicly visible personal repository. The RTEMS head is configured as a remote repository named 'upstream' to which you can push changes that have been approved for merging into RTEMS.

Branches aren't automatically pushed until you tell git to do the initial push after which the branch is pushed automatically. In order to keep code private just put it on a branch in your local clone and do not push the branch.

Create a personal repository

Set up the server side repository. In the following substitute user with your username.

# ssh
[user@git ~]$ ln -s /data/git/user git
[user@git ~]$ ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user rtems 16 Feb  1 11:52 git -> /data/git/user
[user@git ~]$ cd git
[user@git git]$ git clone --mirror /data/git/rtems.git

Provide a description for the repository, for example "Clone of master repository."

[user@git git]$ echo "Clone of master repository." > rtems.git/description
[user@git git]$ logout

Clone the repository on your local machine

# git clone ssh://
# cd rtems

Add the RTEMS repository as a remote repository and get the remote tags and branches

# git remote add upstream ssh://
# git fetch upstream

After a little while you should be able to see your personal repo at and you can create other repositories in your git directory that will propagate to if you need.

Check your setup

git remote show origin

Should print something similar to

 * remote origin
   Fetch URL: ssh://
   Push  URL: ssh://
   HEAD branch: master
   Remote branches:
     4.10   tracked
     4.8    tracked
     4.9    tracked
     master tracked
   Local branch configured for 'git pull':
     master merges with remote master
   Local ref configured for 'git push':
     master pushes to master (up to date)

Push commits to personal repo master from local master

# git push

Push a branch onto personal repo

# git push origin branchname

Update from upstream master (RTEMS head)

When you have no changes in your local master branch, use

 # git fetch upstream
 # git checkout master
 # git merge upstream/master

This is the same as a git pull. When you have committed changes on a branch that is private (hasn't been pushed to your personal repo) then you can use rebase to obtain a linear history and avoid merge commit messages.

# git checkout new_features
# git fetch upstream
# git rebase upstream/master

This is the same as a git pull -rebase.

When you have committed changes on a branch that is public/shared with another developer you should not rebase that branch. TODO: what to do...

GIT Push Configuration

People with write access to the main repository should make sure that they push the right branch with the git push command. The above setup ensures that git push will not touch the main repository, which is identified as upstream, unless you specify the upstream (by git push upstream master).

Lets suppose we have a test branch intended for integration into the master branch of the main repository.

# git branch
 *  test

There are two options for pushing with the branch. First,

# git push origin test

Will push the test branch to the personal repository. To delete the remote branch

# git push origin :test

You'll still need to delete your local branch if you are done with it.

If you are going to work exclusively with one branch for awhile, you might want to configure git to automatically push that branch when you use git push. By default git push will use the local master branch, but you can use the 'test' branch as the source of your changes:

# git config remote.origin.push test:master

Now git push will merge into your master branch on your personal repository. You can also setup a remote branch:

# git config remote.origin.push test:test

You can see what branch is configured for pushing with

# git remote show origin

And reset to the default

# git config remote.origin.push master

Pull a Developer's Repo

The procedures for creating personal repositories ensures that every developer can post branches that anyone else can review. To pull a developer's personal repository into your local RTEMS git clone, just add a new remote repo:

# git remote add devname git://
# git fetch devname
# git remote show devname
# git branch -a

Replace devname with the developer's user name on git, which you can see by accessing the [] web interface. Now you can switch to the branches for this developer.

Use a tracking branch if the developer's branch is changing:

# git branch --track new_feature devname/new_feature

Now git pull new_feature will fetch and merge from the remote branch.


When merging someone's work, whether your own or otherwise, we have some suggested procedures to follow.

  • Never work in the master branch. Checkout a new branch and apply patches/commits to it.
  • Before pushing upstream:
    • Update master by fetching from the server
    • Rebase the working branch against the updated master
    • Push the working branch to the server master

The basic workflow looks like

# git checkout -b somebranch upstream/master
# patch .. git add/rm/etc
# git fetch upstream
# git rebase upstream/master
# git push upstream somebranch:master

If someone pushed since you updated the server rejects your push until you are up to date.

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