= RTEMS Eclipse Plug-in = [[TOC(Developer/Eclipse/Plugin, depth=2)]] = Introduction = This page describes how to setup and use the RTEMS Eclipse Plug-in. This plug-in extends [http://www.eclipse.org/cdt CDT] and all features of a full-fledged Eclipse/CDT IDE with an ordinary GNU toolchain are available. The GDB based debug support works also. Supported platforms are: Cygwin, MinGW, MacOS X and UNIX. Every RTEMS target architecture and BSP that provides the standard Makefiles is supported. These are at least the ones managed by the RTEMS repository from OAR. = Starting Point = You should be able to build a simple ''Hello, World!'' application for your BSP with the standard Makefiles. = Eclipse Installation = The current plug-in version works with the Galileo release of Eclipse and CDT version 6. Other releases may work but are not tested. If you have not yet installed Eclipse simply choose the package [http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers]. An existing Eclipse installation needs a recent [http://www.eclipse.org/cdt CDT plug-in] (version 6 is recommended). The ''Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers'' already contains all required plug-ins. If on Fedora, then you will want to load the eclipse-cdt RPM. = Plug-In Installation = You can install the plug-in via the standard Eclipse infrastucture. Simply add http://www.rtems.com/ftp/pub/rtems/eclipse/updates/ to the software update sites ('''Help > Install New Software...''').
= Plug-In Setup = After the plug-in installation you should setup the preferences ('''Window > Preferences''').
Base path: is the path to the RTEMS installed toolchain BSP path: is the path to the RTEMS installed BSP Makefile.inc # Ensure that RTEMS was installed # Go to the PREFIX directory (the standard was /opt/rtems-4.11 new standard will be /home/user/development/rtems/4.11) Find the Makefile.inc '''/home/user/development/rtems/4.11$''' find -name Makefile.inc ./sparc-rtems4.11/leon3/Makefile.inc ./sparc-rtems4.11/sis/Makefile.inc Navigate to the '''/home/user/development/rtems/4.11/sparc-rtems4.11/sis''' when selecting a BSP path = Project Creation = Switch to the ''C/C++ Perpective'' ('''Window > Open Perspective > Other > C/C++ Perpective'''). You can now create a new ''C Project'' or ''C++ Project'' ('''File > New > C Project''' or '''File > New > C++ Project''') and follow the wizard. You can create projects for RTEMS executables and static libraries. A ''Hello, World!'' template is also available.
= Project Properties = You can change the RTEMS specific project properties like RTEMS base installation path and board support package path via the standard properties dialog ('''Project > Properties''') and with the project wizard.
= Trouble Shooting = = General = Consult the problems view ('''Window > Show View > Problems'''), if something works not like expected. Errors like below indicate that the paths in the RTEMS preferences and properties are not correct.
= Cross-references not Working = Rebuild the index ('''Project Context Menu > Index > Rebuild'''). = Clear Built-in Include Paths = In the ''Discovery Options'' tab ('''Project Context Menu > Properties > C/C++ Build > Discovery Options''') execute the ''Clear'' request for each tool in the tools box.