= Coverage Analysis = = Coverage Analysis = = The project aims are as follows: = * To perform automated coverage testing on the RTEMS code base and analyse the object level coverage provided by the RTEMS test suite * Identify and report parts of code that are not being exercised under the test suites * Analyse each case separately and classify into categories previously identified. * Address each of these cases and eliminate them. We took up erc32/sparc as the first BSP/ARCH for coverage. = The coverage stats when we started off for erc32/sparc are as follows: = Total Uncovered Ranges: 208 Total Bytes Analysed: 71604 Total Bytes not executed: 2732 Percentage of executed bytes: 0.9618 Percentage of not executed bytes: 0.03815 = The coverage stats as per the mid term evaluations were as follows: = Total uncovered ranges: 83 Total Bytes analyzed: 70900 Bytes not executed: 944 Percentage executed: 0.9867 Percentage not executed: 0.01331 = The coverage stats as per 08/01/2009 are as follows: = Total uncovered ranges: 16 Total Bytes Analyzed: 70916 Total Bytes Not Executed: 148 Percentage Executed: 0.9979 Percentage Not Executed: 0.002087 My proposal for GSOC 2009 can be found [http://vattamsantosh.info/rtems-proposal: here].[[BR]] The code can be found at the [http://code.google.com/p/rtems-coverage-analysis: project page].[[BR]] The Coverage stats can be found at the [http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AnpHTN8g6BrmcDNXWFdMa01iNHM2RXpWUm9RdXc5QXc&hl=en: Coverage document].[[BR]] The details about the patches can be found on my [http://vattamsantosh.info/GSOC_Updates: blog].[[BR]]