= RTEMS Code Swarm = [[TOC(Developer/CodeSwarm, depth=2)]] Code Swarm is a tool which visualizes project commit history. It can produce some very cool and interesting output. * http://vis.cs.ucdavis.edu/~ogawa/codeswarm/ has videos from Eclipse, Python, Apache and PostgreSQL * http://code.google.com/p/codeswarm is the project's current home Thanks to Peter Burns (a.k.a rictic) for fixing bugs and providing guidance during this. He was most supportive. = Running Code Swarm = {{{ #download and extract curl -L http://github.com/rictic/code_swarm/tarball/master > code_swarm.tar.gz tar -xzf code_swarm.tar.gz mv rictic-code_swarm-*/ code_swarm #add the bin directory to your path PATH=$PATH:code_swarm/bin #convert the CVS log convert_logs.py -c activity.log > log.xml #get a code_swarm config file (I'd eventually like to remove this step) cp code_swarm/bin/config.template rtems.config #run code_swarm on the config file code_swarm -c rtems.config }}} At this point, you will have a subdirectory in the code_swarm tree named code_swarm_frame with a lot of .png files. Following the instructions for [http://code.google.com/p/codeswarm/wiki/GeneratingAVideo Generating a Video], I used this command to generate the movie.avi file. {{{ mencoder mf://*.png -mf fps=24:type=png -ovc lavc -oac copy -o movie.avi }}} If that results in a file that is too large, read the Wiki and try the other alternatives. This takes between 90 minutes and 6 hours on the RTEMS activity log depending on how many frames per day you generate. At 2 frames per day, it is about 90 minutes and at 6, it is ~6 hours. = Open Issues = RTEMS has a history of having many submitters and few committers. Code Swarm uses the committer user Id. It would be nice if it could make a distinction between author and submitter and show the extra level of activity. Since from 1995 to 2002, [wiki:TBR/User/JoelSherrill JoelSherrill] committed nearly all submissions, this looks very bad in the RTEMS video. During this period, to identify just one submitter, Eric Norum submitted the TCP/IP stack, termios, a handful of BSPs and other code. This is simply not reflected. = Text for Video = The video shows periods of high and low activity. On the videos from other projects, there are subtitles indicating what actually happened in the project at that time. * beginning until non-OAR committers added - need date * early 1997 * June 1997 * October 1997 Committers and their first commit: * joel, Joel Sherrill - 11 May 1995 * jmj, Mark Johannes - 24 May 1996 * wade, ? - 10 August 1998 * jennifer, Jennifer Averrett, 2 September 1998 * ralf, Ralf Corsepius - 16 June 2002 * ericn, Eric Norum - 13 September 2002 * ccj, Chris Johns - 31 October 2002 * jtm, Jay Monkman - 17 July 2004 * gregmenke, Greg Menke, 6 December 2004 * strauman, Till Straumann - 12 January 2006 * loki, Philippe Simons - 7 July 2005 * richard, Richard Campbell - 16 September 2005 * thomas, Thomas Doerfler - 29 September 2005 * humph, Glenn Humphrey - 10 October 2007 = RTEMS Configuration File = You can try enabling OpenGL support and see if it works for you. {{{ # This is a sample configuration file for code_swarm # Input file InputFile=log.xml # Optional Method instead of MillisecondsPerFrame FramesPerDay=2 # OpenGL has problems on some platforms. We're closer to having it work # automatically out of the box, but not close enough to enable it by default UseOpenGL=false # Color assignment rules # Keep in order, do not skip numbers. Numbers start # at 1. # # Pattern: "Label", "regex", R,G,B, R,G,B # Label is optional. If it is omitted, the regex # will be used. # ColorAssign1="Tests",".*test.*", 90,225,90, 110,200,90 ColorAssign2="Build Infrastructure",".*config.*|.*Make.*|.*cfg", 198,229,255, 178,209,235 ColorAssign3="Ports",".*score/cpu.*", 90,225,225, 110,200,200 ColorAssign4="BSPs",".*libbsp.*|.*libcpu.*|.*libchip.*", 30,144,255, 10,124,235 ColorAssign5="Source Code",".*(\.py|\.rb|\.erb|\.hs|\.sql|\.[sSchd]|\.cpp|\.cc|\.m|\.js|\.pl|\.sh|\.java|\.lhs|\.hi|\.ad[abs])", 225,90,90, 200,90,110 ColorAssign6="Documents/Images",".*(\.txt|\.html|\.tex|\.t|\.texinfo|\.texi|\.tmpl|\.css|\.xml|\.yml|\.json|\.png|\.jpg|\.gif|\.jpeg|README|COPYING|LICENSE|AUTHORS)", 90,90,225, 90,110,200 # Save each frame to an image? TakeSnapshots=true # Where to save each frame SnapshotLocation=code_swarm_frames/#####.png #Is the input xml sorted by date? It's faster and uses much less memory if it is IsInputSorted=true # - All of the given scripts for producing repository xml files produce sorted data # - Please file a bug if one doesn't # Uncomment to not use avatars #AvatarFetcher=NoAvatar }}}