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Version 1 (modified by Jiri Gaisler, on 07/31/17 at 13:25:39) (diff)


Table of Contents

    Error: Page sis does not exist

SIS SPARC Simulator

SIS is an open-source SPARC simulator capable of emulating simple ERC32, Leon2 and Leon3 systems. The simulator can be used in standalone mode, or integrated in gdb. Building a tool chain for SPARC with the RTEMS source builder (RSB) will automatically build and install the simulator.

Basic usage and emulation characteristics are described in four README files:

Useful debugging techniques are described below.

Debugging with SIS in standalone mode

Debugging programs with the standalone version of SIS is useful for problems during booting or memory allocation, where the RTEMS kernel will crash before reaching any high-level C code. The basic technique would be to enable the history trace buffer, run the program until it crashes, and then review the trace:

$ sparc-rtems4.12-sis -leon2 ./sparc-rtems4.12/c/leon3/testsuites/samples/cdtest/cdtest.exe

 SIS - SPARC instruction simulator 2.8,  copyright Jiri Gaisler 1995
 Bug-reports to

 LEON2 emulation enabled

sis> hi 10
trace history length = 10
sis> run
IU in error mode (128)
     9487  40000090  91d02000  ta  0
sis> hi
     9474  40025604  80886003  btst  3, %g1
     9475  40025608  02800010  be  0x0000000040025648
     9476  4002560c  9e06bff0  add  %i2, -16, %o7
     9477  40025648  84100019  mov  %i1, %g2
     9478  4002564c  9e0bfff0  and  %o7, -16, %o7
     9479  40025650  82100018  mov  %i0, %g1
     9480  40025654  9e03e010  add  %o7, 0x10, %o7
     9481  40025658  8606000f  add  %i0, %o7, %g3
     9482  4002565c  f6008000  ld  [ %g2 ], %i3
     9486  40000090  91d02000  ta  0
sis> reg

	  INS       LOCALS      OUTS     GLOBALS
   0:  400390A0   00000000   00000000   00000000
   1:  00000000   4002565C   00000000   40FFFCD0
   2:  00000068   40025660   00000000   FFFFF000
   3:  00000004   00000000   00000000   40FFFCF0
   4:  40039108   00000000   00000000   40039380
   5:  40039108   00000000   00000000   400007C0
   6:  40FFFBF8   00000000   00000000   400398C0
   7:  00000020   00000000   00000000   00000000

 psr: 00401FC2   wim: 00000002   tbr: 40000090   y: 00000000

  pc: 40000090 = 91D02000    ta  0
 npc: 40000094 = 01000000    nop 
 IU in error mode


The above trace shows a data trap (trap type 0x9) at address 0x4002565c (ld [ %g2 ], %i3). The load address in %g2 is 0x40FFFCD0, which is not a valid Leon2 address. To see which code generates this trap, we will need some symbolic information. Since SIS does not support debug symbols, we must turn to gdb with built-in sis:\

Debugging with SIS in gdb

To debug with gdb/sis, start the debugger and connect to the simulator:

$ sparc-rtems4.12-gdb cdtest.exe 
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.12
Reading symbols from cdtest.exe...done.
(gdb) tar sim -leon2
Connected to the simulator.

The binary must be loaded before it can be run:

(gdb) load

A breakpoint should be set at the trapping instruction:

(gdb) bre *0x4002565c
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4002565c: file ../../../../../../gcc-7.1.0/newlib/libc/string/memcpy.c, line 87

Then the program can be run. It will stop at the breakpoint, and a back-trace can be printed:

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/jiri/src/rtems/b1/sparc-rtems4.12/c/leon3/testsuites/samples/cdtest/cdtest.exe 

Breakpoint 1, memcpy (dst0=0x40fffcd0, src0=0xfffff000, len0=32)
    at ../../../../../../gcc-7.1.0/newlib/libc/string/memcpy.c:87
87	../../../../../../gcc-7.1.0/newlib/libc/string/memcpy.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) up
#1  0x4001487c in ambapp_scan2 (abus=0x40039320 <ambapp_plb>, ioarea=4293918720, 
    memfunc=0x400255f0 <memcpy>, parent=0x0, root=0x40039320 <ambapp_plb>)
    at /home/jiri/ibm/src/rtems/rtems.git/c/src/lib/libbsp/sparc/leon3/../../sparc/shared/amba/ambapp.c:177
177	    memfunc(&ahb_buf, ahb, sizeof(struct ambapp_pnp_ahb), abus);
(gdb) list
172	  prev = parent;
174	  /* AHB MASTERS */
175	  ahb = (struct ambapp_pnp_ahb *) (ioarea | AMBA_CONF_AREA);
176	  for (i = 0; i < maxloops; i++, ahb++) {
177	    memfunc(&ahb_buf, ahb, sizeof(struct ambapp_pnp_ahb), abus);
178	    if ( == 0)
179	      continue;
181	    /* An AHB device present here */

We can not see that the data trap occurs in memcpy, called by ambapp_scan2. The cause to the trap is rather trivial, we are trying to run a leon3 binary with sis configured for leon2! Running the binary with sis in leon3 mode will give us the desired result:

$ sparc-rtems4.12-gdb ./sparc-rtems4.12/c/leon3/testsuites/samples/cdtest/cdtest.exe
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.12
Reading symbols from ./sparc-rtems4.12/c/leon3/testsuites/samples/cdtest/cdtest.exe...done.
(gdb) tar sim -leon3
Connected to the simulator.
(gdb) load
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/jiri/src/rtems/b1/sparc-rtems4.12/c/leon3/testsuites/samples/cdtest/cdtest.exe 

GLOBAL: Hey I'm in base class constructor number 1 for 0x40038a08.
GLOBAL: Hey I'm in base class constructor number 2 for 0x400389fc.
GLOBAL: Hey I'm in derived class constructor number 3 for 0x400389fc.
LOCAL: Hey I'm in base class constructor number 4 for 0x4003da50.
LOCAL: Hey I'm in base class constructor number 5 for 0x4003da5c.
LOCAL: Hey I'm in base class constructor number 6 for 0x4003da68.
LOCAL: Hey I'm in base class constructor number 7 for 0x4003da74.
LOCAL: Hey I'm in derived class constructor number 8 for 0x4003da74.
IO Stream not tested
LOCAL: Hey I'm in derived class destructor number 8 for 4003DA74.
Derived class - Instantiation order 8
LOCAL: Hey I'm in base class destructor number 7 for 4003DA74.
Derived class - Instantiation order 8
LOCAL: Hey I'm in base class destructor number 6 for 4003DA68.
Derived class - Instantiation order 6
LOCAL: Hey I'm in base class destructor number 5 for 4003DA5C.
Derived class - Instantiation order 5
LOCAL: Hey I'm in base class destructor number 4 for 4003DA50.
Derived class - Instantiation order 5

foo_function() catch block called:
   < foo_function() throw this exception  >
Success catching a char * exception
foo_function() re-throwing execption...
throw std::runtime: caught: thrown std::runtime object
throw an instance based exception
RtemsException raised=File:/home/jiri/ibm/src/rtems/rtems.git/c/src/../../testsuites/samples/cdtest/, Line:227, Error=55
Success catching RtemsException...
RtemsException ---> File:/home/jiri/ibm/src/rtems/rtems.git/c/src/../../testsuites/samples/cdtest/, Line:227, Error=55
Exceptions are working properly.
Global Dtors should be called after this line....
GLOBAL: Hey I'm in derived class destructor number 3 for 400389FC.
Derived class - Instantiation order 3
GLOBAL: Hey I'm in base class destructor number 2 for 400389FC.
Derived class - Instantiation order 3
GLOBAL: Hey I'm in base class destructor number 1 for 40038A08.
Derived class - Instantiation order 1
[Inferior 1 (process 42000) exited normally]

To run the binary again, the gdb load command must be given followed by run.

Running test suites with SIS and rtems-tester

SIS can run the RTEMS test suites for erc32, leon2 and leon3 bsp in an automatic way using the rtems-test script. The test suites are available in the RTEMS build or install directory if RTEMS was configured with --enable-tests. Below is how to run the tests for leon3, but it works equally well erc32 and leon2. The tests will run in about 2 - 3 minutes on a high-end desktop.

$ rtems-test --rtems-bsp=leon3-sis sparc-rtems4.12/c/leon3/testsuites
[  1/568] p:0   f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:0   t:0   i:0   | sparc/leon3: dhrystone.exe
[  3/568] p:0   f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:0   t:0   i:0   | sparc/leon3: whetstone.exe
[  2/568] p:0   f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:0   t:0   i:0   | sparc/leon3: linpack.exe
[  4/568] p:0   f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:0   t:0   i:0   | sparc/leon3: fsbdpart01.exe
[  5/568] p:0   f:0   u:0   e:0   I:0   B:0   t:0   i:0   | sparc/leon3: fsdosfsformat01.exe
[565/568] p:547 f:0   u:4   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:0   i:3   | sparc/leon3: tmcontext01.exe
[566/568] p:550 f:0   u:4   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:0   i:3   | sparc/leon3: tmfine01.exe
[567/568] p:550 f:0   u:4   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:0   i:3   | sparc/leon3: tmoverhd.exe
[568/568] p:550 f:0   u:4   e:0   I:0   B:3   t:0   i:3   | sparc/leon3: tmtimer01.exe

Passed:        558
Failed:          0
User Input:      4
Expected Fail:   0
Indeterminate:   0
Benchmark:       3
Timeout:         0
Invalid:         3
Total:         568

User Input:
Average test time: 0:00:00.301682
Testing time     : 0:02:51.355812

DDD front-end for gdb/sis

The Data Display Debugger is a very useful tool for graphical debugging with gdb/sis. DDD is launched with gdb/sis as target debugger:

$ ddd --debugger sparc-rtems4.12-gdb cdtest.exe &

The start-up commands to connect to simulator are needed:

(gdb) tar sim -leon3
(gdb) load