= GdbScripts = This is a set of user-defined commands for gdb which are useful in analyzing an RTEMS application. They can be used to display information about a number of RTEMS objects classes along with information about the system in general. The user defined commands should be saved in a file which is "sourced" as part of invoking gdb. This can be done in two ways. The first is from the command line: {{{ sparc-rtems4.7-gdb --command=gdb-macros sp01.exe }}} The second mechanism is from the command line interactively: {{{ sparc-rtems-gdb sp01.exe ... (gdb) source gdb-macros }}} Once the user-defined commands have been loaded, you can do a ''help user-defined'' for a list of the user-defined commands or ''help rtems_XXX'' for detailed usage information. --[wiki:User:JoelSherrill Dr. Joel] 13:44, 11 Jul 2006 (CDT) ---- {{{ ### # GDB macros for analyzing RTEMS threads # # 10 July 2006 - Joel: # + Renamed all methods to start with rtems_ if public and rtems_helper_ # if private # + Merged code to dump timer delta chain # + Added code to dump Classic Semaphores, Message Queues, and Regions # + Added support code to dump SuperCore Mutexes, Semaphores, # Message Queues, Thread Queues, and Heaps # # TODO: # + rtems_task_backtrack is CPU specific. How to fix? # + Need to detect when POSIX and ITRON are not configured so # a nice message is printed when those commands are used # + Add support for Classic API # - Periods # - Timers # - Partitions # + Add support for POSIX API # - Message Queues # # Commands implemented: # rtems_task_backtrack TCB # rtems_print_name name # rtems_internal_task index # rtems_internal_tasks # rtems_classic_tasks # rtems_classic_task index # rtems_classic_semaphore index # rtems_classic_semaphores # rtems_classic_message_queue index # rtems_classic_message_queues # rtems_classic_region index # rtems_classic_regions # rtems_posix_thread index # rtems_posix_threads # rtems_posix_semaphore index # rtems_posix_semaphores # rtems_posix_mutex index # rtems_posix_mutexes # rtems_tasks # rtems_internal_ticks_chain # rtems_internal_seconds_chain # rtems_malloc_walk # rtems_workspace_walk # rtems_tod # rtems_check_state # ############################################################################# ######## Public Helper Macros ######## ############################################################################# #################### # rtems_task_backtrack # # ABSTRACT # Print backtrace of an RTEMS task # # ARGUMENTS: # arg0 = pointer to the Thread_Control of the task. # define rtems_task_backtrack set $stkp = $arg0->Registers.gpr1 set $stkp = *(void**)$stkp while $stkp != 0 info line **((void**)$stkp+1) set $stkp = *(void**)$stkp end end document rtems_task_backtrack Usage: rtems_task_backtrack TCB Displays a stack trace for the specific task end #################### # rtems_print_name # # ABSTRACT # Print backtrace of an RTEMS task # # ARGUMENTS: # arg0 = object name -- 32 bit format # define rtems_print_name set $name = $arg0 set $n0 = (char) ($name >> 24) if $n0 < ' ' || $n0 > 'z' set $n0=' ' end printf "%c",$n0 set $n1 = (char) (0xff & ($name >> 16)) if $n1 < ' ' || $n1 > 'z' set $n1=' ' end printf "%c",$n1 set $n2 = (char) (0xff & ($name >> 8)) if $n2 < ' ' || $n2 > 'z' set $n2=' ' end printf "%c",$n2 set $n3 = (char) (0xff & $name) if $n3 < ' ' || $n3 > 'z' set $n3=' ' end printf "%c | ",$n3 end document rtems_print_name Usage: rtems_print_name name Attempt to print the Classic API style name in ASCII end ############################################################################# ######## Helper Macros - Use Only From Other Macros ######## ############################################################################# #################### # rtems_helper_task_dump # # ABSTRACT # Print information about an RTEMS task # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = Task index in the corresponding _Information table. # arg1 = pointer to the Thread_Control of the task. # arg2 = 1 for verbose output, 0 otherwise # define rtems_helper_task_dump set $d1t_num = $arg0 set $pt = $arg1 set $d1t_verbose = $arg2 printf "%2d | ", $d1t_num set $id = $pt->Object.id set $name = (unsigned int)$pt->Object.name rtems_print_name $name printf "%08x | ",$id set $state = $pt->current_state set $pri = $pt->current_priority printf "%3d | ",$pri set $ticks = $pt->ticks_executed printf "%8d | ", $ticks if $state == 0 printf "READY" end if $state & 1 printf "DORM " end if $state & 2 printf "SUSP " end if $state & 4 printf "TRANS " end if $state & 8 printf "DELAY " end if $state & 0x10 printf "Wtime " end if $state & 0x20 printf "Wbuf " end if $state & 0x40 printf "Wseg " end if $state & 0x80 printf "Wmsg " end if $state & 0x100 printf "Wevnt " end if $state & 0x200 printf "Wsem " end if $state & 0x400 printf "Wmutex 0x%8x", $pt->Wait.id end if $state & 0x800 printf "Wcvar " end if $state & 0x1000 printf "Wjatx " end if $state & 0x2000 printf "Wrpc " end if $state & 0x4000 printf "Wrate " end if $state & 0x8000 printf "Wsig " end if $state & 0x10000 printf "Wisig " end printf "\n" # printf "\ #---+------+----------+-----+----------+------------------------------\n" if $d1t_verbose printf "\ BACKTRACE\n\ 13:37, 11 Jul 2006 (CDT)[wiki:User:JoelSherrill Dr. Joel] 13:37, 11 Jul 2006 (CDT)\n" rtems_task_backtrack $pt end end # Internal Helper Do Not Document #################### # rtems_helper_task_header # # ABSTRACT # Print the header of the task list table # define rtems_helper_task_header printf "\== ===============================================================\n" printf "\ # | Name | ID | Pri | Ticks | State\n" printf "\ ---+------+----------+-----+----------+------------------------------\n" end # Internal Helper Do Not Document #################### # rtems_helper_show_task # # ABSTRACT # Support routine for verbose listing of a single task # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = _Information table. # arg1 = index. # define rtems_helper_show_task rtems_helper_task_header set $pt = (Thread_Control *)$arg0.local_table[$arg1] rtems_helper_task_dump $arg1 $pt 1 end # Internal Helper Do Not Document #################### # rtems_helper_show_tasks # # ABSTRACT # Support routine for verbose listing of all tasks of a given class # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = _Information table for the class (internal, classic, POSIX etc.). # define rtems_helper_show_tasks rtems_helper_task_header set $index = 1 while $index <= $arg0.maximum set $pt = (Thread_Control *)$arg0.local_table[$index] if $pt != 0 rtems_helper_task_dump $index $pt 0 end set $index = $index + 1 end end # Internal Helper Do Not Document ############################################################################# ######## Helper Macros For SuperCore - Use Only From Other Macros ######## ############################################################################# #################### # rtems_helper_score_threadq # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list a single SuperCore thread queue # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = pointer to the thread queue # define rtems_helper_score_threadq set $tq = $arg0 set $THREAD_QUEUE_DISCIPLINE_FIFO = 0 set $THREAD_QUEUE_DISCIPLINE_PRIORITY = 1 if $tq->discipline == $THREAD_QUEUE_DISCIPLINE_FIFO printf " FIFO - " set $limit = 1 end if $tq->discipline == $THREAD_QUEUE_DISCIPLINE_PRIORITY printf " PRIO - " set $limit = 3 end # now walk them set $count = 0 set $pri_index = 0 set $queues = &$tq->Queues while $pri_index < $limit set $chain = &$queues.Priority[$pri_index] set $ptail = &$chain->permanent_null set $next = $chain->first while $next != $ptail set $t = (Thread_Control *)$next printf "0x%08x@%d ", $t->Object.id, $t->current_priority set $next = $next->next set $count = $count + 1 end set $pri_index = $pri_index + 1 end if $count == 0 printf "%s", "No waiting threads" end end # Internal Helper Do Not Document #################### # rtems_helper_score_heap # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list contents of a SuperCore Heap # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = pointer to heap # define rtems_helper_score_heap set $heap = $arg0 set $heapstart = $heap->start set $currentblock = $heapstart set $used = 0 set $numused = 0 set $free = 0 set $numfree = 0 while $currentblock->front_flag != 1 if $currentblock->front_flag & 1 if $arg0 != 0 printf "USED: %p %d\n", $currentblock, $currentblock->front_flag & ~1 else printf "*" end set $used = $used + $currentblock->front_flag & ~1 set $numused = $numused + 1 else if $arg0 != 0 printf "FREE: %p %d\n", $currentblock, $currentblock->front_flag & ~1 else printf "." end set $free = $free + $currentblock->front_flag & ~1 set $numfree = $numfree + 1 end set $currentblock = \ (Heap_Block *)((char *)$currentblock + ($currentblock->front_flag&~1)) end if $arg0 == 0 printf "\n" end printf "TOTAL: %d (%d)\tUSED: %d (%d) \tFREE: %d (%d)\n", \ $used + $free, $numused + $numfree, \ $used, $numused, \ $free, $numfree end # Internal Helper Do Not Document #################### # rtems_helper_score_watchdog_chain # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list a single SuperCore Watchdog chain # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = pointer to Watchdog delta chain # define rtems_helper_score_watchdog_chain set $permt = &$arg0.permanent_null set $node = $arg0.first if $node == $permt printf "Empty\n" end while $node != $permt set $wnode = (Watchdog_Control *)$node #print $wnode printf "======================\n0x%x, %d handler=", \ $wnode, $wnode.delta_interval print $wnode.routine print/x *$wnode set $node = $node.next end end # Internal Helper Do Not Document #################### # rtems_helper_score_mutex # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list a single SuperCore mutex # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = pointer to the mutex # define rtems_helper_score_mutex set $m = $arg0 set $CORE_MUTEX_DISCIPLINES_FIFO = 0 set $CORE_MUTEX_DISCIPLINES_PRIORITY = 1 set $CORE_MUTEX_DISCIPLINES_PRIORITY_INHERIT = 2 set $CORE_MUTEX_DISCIPLINES_PRIORITY_CEILING = 3 set $d = $m->Attributes.discipline if $d == $CORE_MUTEX_DISCIPLINES_FIFO printf "FIFO " end if $d == $CORE_MUTEX_DISCIPLINES_PRIORITY printf "PRIO " end if $d == $CORE_MUTEX_DISCIPLINES_PRIORITY_INHERIT printf "INHT " end if $d == $CORE_MUTEX_DISCIPLINES_PRIORITY_CEILING printf "CEIL " end if $m->lock == 0 printf "LCK holder=0x%08x nest=%d\n", $m->holder_id, $m->nest_count else printf "UNL" end rtems_helper_score_threadq &$m->Wait_queue end # Internal Helper Do Not Document #################### # rtems_helper_score_semaphore # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list a single SuperCore semaphore # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = pointer to the semaphore # define rtems_helper_score_semaphore set $s = $arg0 if $s->count == 0 printf "Unavailable " rtems_helper_score_threadq &$s->Wait_queue else printf "Available Count=%d", $s->count end end # Internal Helper Do Not Document #################### # rtems_helper_score_message_queue # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list a single SuperCore Message Queue # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = pointer to the message queue # define rtems_helper_score_message_queue set $mq = $arg0 printf "%d/%d msgs ", \ $mq->number_of_pending_messages, $mq->maximum_pending_messages if $mq->number_of_pending_messages == 0 rtems_helper_score_threadq &$mq->Wait_queue end end # Internal Helper Do Not Document ############################################################################# ######## Internal Objects ######## ############################################################################# #################### # rtems_internal_task # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list a single internal task # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = index in the _Information table # define rtems_internal_task rtems_helper_show_task _Thread_Internal_information $arg0 end document rtems_internal_task Usage: rtems_internal_task index Displays detailed information about the specified internal RTEMS task end #################### # rtems_internal_tasks # # ABSTRACT # Dump all internal tasks # define rtems_internal_tasks rtems_helper_show_tasks _Thread_Internal_information end document rtems_internal_tasks Usage: rtems_internal_tasks Displays a list of all internal RTEMS tasks end ############################################################################# ######## Classic API ######## ############################################################################# #################### # rtems_classic_tasks # # ABSTRACT # Dump all Classic tasks # define rtems_classic_tasks rtems_helper_show_tasks _RTEMS_tasks_Information end document rtems_classic_tasks Usage: rtems_classic_tasks Displays a list of all Classic API RTEMS tasks end #################### # rtems_classic_task # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list a single classic task # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = index in the _Information table # define rtems_classic_task rtems_helper_show_task _RTEMS_tasks_Information $arg0 end document rtems_classic_task Usage: rtems_classic_task index Displays detailed information about the specified Classic API task end #################### # rtems_classic_semaphore # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list a single Classic API semaphore # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = index in the _Information table # define rtems_classic_semaphore set $d1t_num = $arg0 set $inf = _Semaphore_Information set $sem = (Semaphore_Control *)$inf.local_table[$arg0] set $id = $sem->Object.id set $name = (unsigned int)$sem->Object.name printf "%2d | ", $d1t_num rtems_print_name $name printf "%08x | ",$id # hack for is a mutex if $sem->attribute_set != 0 printf " Mutex " rtems_helper_score_mutex &$sem->Core_control.mutex else printf " Sem " rtems_helper_score_semaphore &$sem->Core_control.semaphore end printf "\n" end document rtems_classic_semaphore Usage: rtems_classic_semaphore index Displays information about the specified Classic API Semaphore end #################### # rtems_classic_semaphores # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list all Classic API semaphores # # ARGUMENTS: NONE # define rtems_classic_semaphores set $inf = _Semaphore_Information printf "\== ===============================================================\n" printf "\ # | Name | ID | Information\n" printf "\ ---+------+----------+-----------------------------------------------\n" set $index = 1 while $index <= $inf.maximum set $pt = (Semaphore_Control *)$inf.local_table[$index] if $pt != 0 rtems_classic_semaphore $index end set $index = $index + 1 end end document rtems_classic_semaphores Usage: rtems_classic_semaphores Displays a list of all Classic API Semaphores end #################### # rtems_classic_message_queue # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list a single Classic API Message Queue # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = index in the _Information table # define rtems_classic_message_queue set $d1t_num = $arg0 set $inf = _Message_queue_Information set $queue = (Message_queue_Control *)$inf.local_table[$arg0] set $id = $queue->Object.id set $name = (unsigned int)$queue->Object.name printf "%2d | ", $d1t_num rtems_print_name $name printf "%08x | ",$id rtems_helper_score_message_queue &$queue->message_queue printf "\n" end document rtems_classic_message_queue Usage: rtems_classic_message_queue index Displays information about the specified Classic API Message Queue end #################### # rtems_classic_message_queues # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list all Classic API Message Queues # # ARGUMENTS: NONE # define rtems_classic_message_queues set $inf = _Message_queue_Information printf "\== ===============================================================\n" printf "\ # | Name | ID | Information\n" printf "\ ---+------+----------+-----------------------------------------------\n" set $index = 1 while $index <= $inf.maximum set $pt = (Message_queue_Control *)$inf.local_table[$index] if $pt != 0 rtems_classic_message_queue $index end set $index = $index + 1 end end document rtems_classic_message_queues Usage: rtems_classic_message_queues Displays a list of all Classic API Message Queues end #################### # rtems_classic_region # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list a single Classic API Region # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = index in the _Information table # define rtems_classic_region set $inf = _Region_Information set $d1t_num = $arg0 set $r = (Region_Control *)$inf.local_table[$arg0] set $id = $r->Object.id set $name = (unsigned int)$r->Object.name printf "%2d | ", $d1t_num rtems_print_name $name printf "%08x | ",$id rtems_helper_score_heap &$r->Memory printf "\n" end document rtems_classic_region Usage: rtems_classic_region index Displays information about the specified Classic API Region end #################### # rtems_classic_regions # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list all Classic API Regions # # ARGUMENTS: NONE # define rtems_classic_regions set $inf = _Region_Information printf "\== ===============================================================\n" printf "\ # | Name | ID | Information\n" printf "\ ---+------+----------+-----------------------------------------------\n" set $index = 1 while $index <= $inf.maximum set $pt = (Region_Control *)$inf.local_table[$index] if $pt != 0 rtems_classic_region $index end set $index = $index + 1 end end document rtems_classic_regions Usage: rtems_classic_regions Displays a list of all Classic API Regions end ############################################################################# ######## POSIX API ######## ############################################################################# #################### # rtems_posix_thread # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list a single POSIX thread # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = index in the _Information table # define rtems_posix_thread rtems_helper_show_task _POSIX_Threads_Information $arg0 end document rtems_posix_thread Usage: rtems_posix_thread index Displays detailed information about the specified POSIX API thread end #################### # rtems_posix_threads # # ABSTRACT # Dump all POSIX threads # # ARGUMENTS: NONE # define rtems_posix_threads rtems_helper_show_tasks _POSIX_Threads_Information end document rtems_posix_threads Usage: rtems_posix_threads Displays a list of all POSIX API threads end #################### # rtems_posix_semaphore # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list a single POSIX API semaphore # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = index in the _Information table # define rtems_posix_semaphore set $d1t_num = $arg0 set $inf = _POSIX_Semaphore_Information set $sem = (POSIX_Semaphore_Control *)$inf.local_table[$arg0] set $id = $sem->Object.id printf "%2d | ", $d1t_num if $sem->named printf "%s", (char *)$sem->Object.name end printf " %08x | ",$id rtems_helper_score_semaphore &$sem->Semaphore printf "\n" end document rtems_posix_semaphore Usage: rtems_posix_semaphore index Displays information about the specified POSIX API Semaphore end #################### # rtems_posix_semaphores # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list all POSIX API semaphores # # ARGUMENTS: NONE # define rtems_posix_semaphores set $inf = _POSIX_Semaphore_Information printf "\== ===============================================================\n" printf "\ # | ID | Information\n" printf "\ ---+-----------+-----------------------------------------------\n" set $index = 1 while $index <= $inf.maximum set $pt = (POSIX_Semaphore_Control *)$inf.local_table[$index] if $pt != 0 rtems_posix_semaphore $index end set $index = $index + 1 end end document rtems_posix_semaphores Usage: rtems_posix_semaphores Displays a list of all POSIX API Semaphores end #################### # rtems_posix_mutex # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list a single POSIX API mutex # # ARGUMENTS # arg0 = index in the _Information table # define rtems_posix_mutex set $d1t_num = $arg0 set $inf = _POSIX_Mutex_Information set $mutex = (POSIX_Mutex_Control *)$inf.local_table[$arg0] set $id = $mutex->Object.id printf "%2d | ", $d1t_num printf "%08x | ",$id rtems_helper_score_mutex &$mutex->Mutex printf "\n" end document rtems_posix_mutex Usage: rtems_posix_mutex index Displays information about the specified POSIX API Semaphore end #################### # rtems_posix_mutexes # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list all POSIX API mutexes # # ARGUMENTS: NONE # define rtems_posix_mutexes set $inf = _POSIX_Mutex_Information printf "\== ===============================================================\n" printf "\ # | ID | Information\n" printf "\ ---+----------+-----------------------------------------------\n" set $index = 1 while $index <= $inf.maximum set $pt = (POSIX_Mutex_Control *)$inf.local_table[$index] if $pt != 0 rtems_posix_mutex $index end set $index = $index + 1 end end document rtems_posix_mutexes Usage: rtems_posix_mutexes Displays a list of all POSIX API Mutexes end ############################################################################# ######## General and Cross API ######## ############################################################################# #################### # rtems_tasks # # ABSTRACT # Dump all tasks of all classes (internal, POSIX and Classic) # # ARGUMENTS: NONE # # TODO: For 4.6, check object information table for non-NULL define rtems_tasks printf "Executing: 0x%x, Heir: 0x%x\n", _Thread_Executing->Object.id, \ _Thread_Heir.Object.id printf "================================================================\n" printf "Internal Tasks\n" rtems_helper_show_tasks _Thread_Internal_information printf "================================================================\n" printf "Classic Tasks\n" rtems_helper_show_tasks _RTEMS_tasks_Information printf "================================================================\n" printf "POSIX Tasks\n" rtems_helper_show_tasks _POSIX_Threads_Information end document rtems_tasks Usage: rtems_tasks Displays a list of all internal and API defined tasks/threads end #################### # rtems_internal_ticks_chain # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list contents of ticks chain tickled from clock tick # # ARGUMENTS: NONE # define rtems_internal_ticks_chain rtems_helper_score_watchdog_chain _Watchdog_Ticks_chain end document rtems_internal_ticks_chain Usage: rtems_internal_ticks_chain Lists the contains of the internal RTEMS delta chain used to manage all timing events that are tick based. This chain will contain timeouts, delays, API defined timers, and the TOD update timer. end #################### # rtems_internal_seconds_chain # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list contents of seconds chain tickled from clock tick # # ARGUMENTS: NONE # define rtems_internal_seconds_chain rtems_helper_score_watchdog_chain _Watchdog_Seconds_chain end document rtems_internal_seconds_chain Usage: rtems_internal_seconds_chain Lists the contains of the internal RTEMS delta chain used to manage all timing events that are TOD based. end #################### # rtems_malloc_walk # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list the contents and state of the C Program Heap # # ARGUMENTS: None # define rtems_malloc_walk set $heap = &(((Region_Control *)\ _Region_Information->local_table[RTEMS_Malloc_Heap&0xffff])->Memory) rtems_helper_score_heap $heap end document rtems_malloc_walk Usage: rtems_malloc_walk Display information about the C program heap end #################### # rtems_workspace_walk # # ABSTRACT # Verbosely list the contents and state of the C Program Heap # # ARGUMENTS: None # define rtems_workspace_walk set $heap = &_Workspace_Area rtems_helper_score_heap $heap end document rtems_workspace_walk Usage: rtems_workspace_walk Display information about the RTEMS Executive Workspace end #################### # rtems_tod # # ABSTRACT # Print out the current time of day # # ARGUMENTS: NONE # define rtems_tod printf "Current Time MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS -- %02d/%02d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", \ _TOD_Current.month, _TOD_Current.day, _TOD_Current.year, \ _TOD_Current.hour, _TOD_Current.minute, _TOD_Current.second end document rtems_tod Usage: rtems_tod Display the current time of day according to RTEMS NOTE: If the TOD is not set, it will start at 1988. end #################### # rtems_check_state # # ABSTRACT # Check system state, dispatching critical section and ISR states # # ARGUMENTS: NONE # define rtems_check_state printf "RTEMS System State is: \n " p _System_state_Current # Check Thread Dispatching Critical Sections set $tddl = _Thread_Dispatch_disable_level if $tddl == 0 printf "NOT inside dispatching critical section\n" end if $tddl != 0 printf "Inside dispatching critical section -- level = %d\n", $tddl if $tddl >= 100 printf "HIGHLY PROBABLY DISPATCHING CRITICAL SECTION ERROR\n" end end # Check ISR Nesting and Dispatching Critical Sections set $isrnl = _ISR_Nest_level if $isrnl == 0 printf "NOT inside an ISR\n" end if $isrnl != 0 printf "Inside interrupt -- nest level = %d\n", $isrnl if $isrnl > $tddl printf "HIGHLY PROBABLY DISPATCHING CRITICAL SECTION ERROR\n" printf "ISR NEST LEVEL SHOULD ALWAYS BE >= DISPATCH DISABLE LEVEL\n" end if $isrnl < $tddl printf "It looks like you interrupted a dispatching critical section\n" end end end document rtems_check_state Usage: rtems_check_state This method displays information about the current state of RTEMS including dispatching disable critical sections and ISR nesting. It performs some rudimentary consistency checks which might highlight problems. end }}}