Notice: We have migrated to GitLab launching 2024-05-01 see here:



08:39 Ticket #4954 (sparc: Simplify the clock driver and CPU counter support) created by Sebastian Huber
Unfortunately, most SPARC SoCs? supported by RTEMS lack a proper …


08:52 Ticket #4953 (Use of symbol addresses for arbitrary values may not work for some ...) reopened by Sebastian Huber
The spconfig01 test fails on aarch64 with: […] The rtems_configuration_get_interrupt_stack_size() needs to be fixed.
05:44 Ticket #4953 (Use of symbol addresses for arbitrary values may not work for some ...) closed by Sebastian Huber
fixed: Since the start files are written in assembly, they can use the right instructions to load an arbitrary absolute address. A review of the uses of _ISR_Stack_size showed that there is actually no issue right now. Adjusting the tests for RTEMS_DEFINE_GLOBAL_SYMBOL() should be enough.


13:48 Ticket #4953 (Use of symbol addresses for arbitrary values may not work for some ...) created by Sebastian Huber
The _ISR_Stack_size is defined by the application configuration like …
07:27 Ticket #4947 (Testsuite libtest tests not built with optimise or debug flags) closed by Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"d2d1fa18a93d39b79421ed205755fd6623b2153b/rtems" d2d1fa18/rtems]: […]


02:47 Ticket #4952 (rtems-ld created wrong RAP file on arm) created by zhengxiaojun
I use the latest rtems-tools to generate RAP file, I found the object …
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