Notice: We have migrated to GitLab launching 2024-05-01 see here:



14:21 Ticket #4508 (rtems_message_queue_receive(): flush() does not release waiting tasks) created by Frank Kuehndel
The RTEMS Classic API Guide


08:04 Ticket #4507 (mount call retruns error number and it should return -1) created by Chris Johns
The mount call should return -1 for an any error with the errno


19:24 Ticket #4506 (posix_devctl() should return the errno directly not -1 and set errno) created by Joel Sherrill
The RTEMS implementation of posix_devctl() from POSIX 1003.26 does not …
19:23 Ticket #4505 (posix_devctl() should return the errno directly not -1 and set errno) created by Joel Sherrill
The RTEMS implementation of posix_devctl() from POSIX 1003.26 does not …
17:47 Ticket #4486 ( String not null terminated issue spotted by Coverity) closed by Ryan Long <ryan.long@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"f316d1607ff6f31bb39b9c62a057fc57374b8bd5/rtems-tools" f316d16/rtems-tools]: […]
17:47 Ticket #4485 ( Out-of-bounds acces errors spotted by Coverity) closed by Ryan Long <ryan.long@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"0ab060ff2c52159d2fd7aba7ea58454ee7491973/rtems-tools" 0ab060f/rtems-tools]: […]
14:54 TBR/UserApp/RTEMSApplications edited by Jonathan Brandmeyer


23:07 Ticket #4504 (RTEMS6 has incorrect code generation for stm32f4 bsp) created by Andrei Chichak
I'm working with the master head targeting arm/stm32f4 for RTEMS 6. I …
22:40 Ticket #4503 (Add glibc malloc family extension malloc_usable_size()) created by Joel Sherrill
RTEMS already has this functionality so it should not be hard to …
19:26 Ticket #4502 (rld-rap.cpp: Uncaught exception issue spotted by Coverity) created by Ryan Long
CID 1471643: Uncaught exception […]
19:21 Ticket #4501 ( Uncaught exception issue spotted by Coverity) created by Ryan Long
CID 1471639: Uncaught exception […]


15:12 Ticket #4500 (rld-dwarf.cpp: Uninitialized scalar field) created by Ryan Long
CID 1503019: Uninitialized scalar field […]
14:26 Ticket #3373 (add confstr() method) closed by Eshan dhawan <eshandhawan51@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"574cd83b5dc1a6c5c6d215c5c07434afa0e73ce4/rtems" 574cd83/rtems]: […]
13:40 Ticket #4499 (rtems-exeinfo.cpp: Uninitialized scalar field error spotted by Coverity) created by Ryan Long
CID 1471637: Uninitialized scalar field […]


15:02 Ticket #4498 (libelftc_dem_gnu3.c: Resource leak spotted by Coverity) created by Ryan Long
Upstream issue
14:57 Ticket #4497 (libelftc_dem_gnu2.c: Resource leak spotted by Coverity) created by Ryan Long
Upstream ticket
14:51 Ticket #4496 (libelftc_dem_arm.c: Resource leak spotted by Coverity) created by Ryan Long
Upstream ticket
10:58 Ticket #4495 (rtems-tools does not build with up-to-date llvm) closed by Christian Mauderer <christian.mauderer@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"c7870f6e6199f9fdb89cbdf6c7e75c78cb9f3d3a/rtems-source-builder" c7870f6/rtems-source-builder]: […]
06:39 Ticket #4495 (rtems-tools does not build with up-to-date llvm) created by Christian Mauderer
On the 5 branch of the rtems-source-builder, rtems-tools can't be …


10:38 GSoC/2021 edited by pranav
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.