Notice: We have migrated to GitLab launching 2024-05-01 see here:



03:52 Ticket #1402 (possible memory leak in cpukit\libblock\src\ide_part_table.c) created by Dmitriy
possible memory leak in cpukit\libblock\src\ide_part_table.c in …


14:05 TBR/BSP/Psim edited by Thomas
/* Test Reports */ (diff)
14:04 TBR/BSP/Psim edited by Thomas
add info how to call the simulator (diff)
11:21 Developer/FileSystems edited by ChrisJohns
Add ATA. (diff)
06:59 Ticket #1399 (IDE disk block reads have corrupt last 4 bytes) closed by Chris Johns
fixed: The BIOS setting for the controller was set to UltraIDE and when set to PIO-0 the errors went away. This is a lesson for for those using IDE is make sure the hardware is correctly configured.


01:36 Ticket #1401 (alignment exception in ioctl(SIOCGIFCONF) on SPARC/gcc-4.3.0) created by strauman
gcc-4.3.0 generates code which violates the SPARC architecture's …


07:35 Ticket #1400 (Floating point context management flaw) created by Sebastian Huber
There is a flaw in the floating point (FP) context management. The FP …


07:25 Ticket #1399 (IDE disk block reads have corrupt last 4 bytes) created by Chris Johns
The last 4 bytes of some block reads are corrupt, or more specifically …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.