Notice: We have migrated to GitLab launching 2024-05-01 see here:



01:23 Ticket #4990 (2FA for accounts) created by Amar Takhar
Add 2FA to accounts on GitLab. Not sure how this will work yet. …
01:22 Ticket #4989 (Discord bot) created by Amar Takhar
Add a bot to Discord to announce: * commits * builds * wiki updates


23:13 WikiStart edited by Chris Johns
Move funding to the top of the page (diff)


03:20 Ticket #4988 (GCC 13.2.0 fails to build qemu-xilinx) created by Kinsey Moore
qemu-xilinx fails to build under GCC 13.2.0 due to new warnings about …


18:54 Ticket #4987 (QEMU 5.2.0 configure does not resolve gdbus_codegen correctly) created by Kinsey Moore
When resolving gdbus_codegen from gio-2.0 packageconfig, the resulting …
07:13 Ticket #4986 (Improve CONFIGURE_TICKS_PER_TIMESLICE configuration and documentation) created by Sebastian Huber
The documentation allows a value of zero for …


21:51 Ticket #4985 (Build error: building srg9xwm1) created by Dustin
I am attempting to build the RTEMS 5.3 toolset on Windows using MSYS2 …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.