Notice: We have migrated to GitLab launching 2024-05-01 see here:



20:29 Ticket #4949 (dl05 fails on MicroBlaze) created by Alex White
Test dl05 fails on MicroBlaze? due to this GCC bug: …
18:59 Ticket #4948 (dl06 fails on MicroBlaze) created by Alex White
The test dl06 fails on MicroBlaze? with the following output: […]


23:27 Ticket #4947 (Testsuite libtest tests not built with optimise or debug flags) created by Chris Johns
The tests are being built with the optimsize or debug options for: - …


00:37 Ticket #4945 (rtems-test SIS support is broken) closed by Chris Johns <chrisj@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"349bbd96543365e830e5ef5e851765e4b742a8a4/rtems-tools" 349bbd9/rtems-tools]: […]


23:25 Ticket #4946 (malloc_info() changes the state of the heap) created by Chris Johns
== Mentors == * Chris Johns * Gedare Bloom == Skills == This is …


01:50 Ticket #4945 (rtems-test SIS support is broken) created by Chris Johns
The sis BSP is using gdb and I am not sure gdb supports the SIS …


15:10 Ticket #4924 (Add Regulator Helper to RTEMS) closed by Joel Sherrill
fixed: Chapter added to the Classic API Guide and an example added to rtems-examples without having the ticket tagged: * * This can now be closed.


14:09 Ticket #4942 (Regulator warnings) closed by zack <zakthertemsdev@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"7b33aa26759e2431ecc8d0cf3254775d1fba0313/rtems" 7b33aa26/rtems]: […]


01:05 Ticket #4943 (ARM unwind register is not being hooked) closed by Chris Johns <chrisj@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"663e0dae8af6217f0273176ea6d92e7ab3fd307c/rtems" 663e0dae/rtems]: […]


15:19 GSoC/2023 edited by Mohd Noor Aman
Updated my status (diff)
06:26 Ticket #4944 (libdl test dl09 fails on arm and aarch64) created by Chris Johns
The test crashes on arm and fails on aarch64 with: […]
01:53 Ticket #4943 (ARM unwind register is not being hooked) created by Chris Johns
The ARM unwind support is not working and dl05 is failing on …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.