ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I aclocal include $(top_srcdir)/automake/ include $(top_srcdir)/automake/ # librtemscpu _SUBDIRS = . score rtems sapi posix _SUBDIRS += dev _SUBDIRS += dtc/libfdt _SUBDIRS += libcrypt _SUBDIRS += libcsupport libblock libfs _SUBDIRS += libdrvmgr _SUBDIRS += libnetworking librpc _SUBDIRS += libpci _SUBDIRS += libi2c _SUBDIRS += libmisc _SUBDIRS += libmd _SUBDIRS += libgnat _SUBDIRS += libdl _SUBDIRS += libstdthreads _SUBDIRS += libdebugger _SUBDIRS += wrapup _SUBDIRS += zlib # applications _SUBDIRS += ftpd _SUBDIRS += telnetd _SUBDIRS += pppd _SUBDIRS += mghttpd if LIBNETWORKING endif if LIBDL endif if LIBDEBUGGER endif if !LIBPCI endif ## should be conditional and only installed for PowerPC, x86, and ARM ## libfs ## POSIX FIFO/pipe ## devfs if LIBDOSFS endif # RFS # JFFS2 ## libblock ## ftpd if LIBNETWORKING endif ## bspcmdline ## capture # tracing headers ## cpuuse ## devnull ## dumpbuf ## rtemsfdt ## monitor ## fb ## mouse ## libqos ## redirector ## shell if LIBSHELL endif ## stringto ## testsupport ## i2c ## serdbg if LIBSERDBG endif ## stackchk ## libuntar ## fsmount ## Driver manager if LIBDRVMGR endif if LIBGNAT endif ## HACK: doxygen filter. EXTRA_DIST = doxy-filter include $(top_srcdir)/automake/ include $(top_srcdir)/automake/ include $(srcdir)/