%define gdb_version @GDB_VERS@ %define gdb_rpmvers %{expand:%(echo @GDB_VERS@ | tr - _)} Name: @rpmprefix@@tool_target@-gdb Summary: Gdb for target @tool_target@ Group: Development/Tools Version: %{gdb_rpmvers} Release: @GDB_RPMREL@ License: GPL/LGPL URL: http://sources.redhat.com/gdb BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildRequires: %{_host_rpmprefix}gcc %global build_sim --enable-sim # Whether to build against system readline # Default: yes %bcond_without system_readline # Whether to build python support %if "%{_build}" != "%{_host}" # Can't build python Cdn-X %bcond_with python %else %bcond_without python %endif %{?with_python:BuildRequires: %{_host_rpmprefix}python-devel} %if "@tool_target@" == "powerpc-rtems@rtems_api@" %if "%{_build}" != "%{_host}" # psim doesn't support Cdn-X %global build_sim --disable-sim %else %global build_sim --enable-sim --enable-sim-trace %endif %endif %if "@tool_target@" == "sparc-rtems@rtems_api@" %ifos mingw mingw32 # Mingw lacks functions required by the sparc simulator %define build_sim --disable-sim %endif %endif %if "@tool_target@" == "h8300-rtems@rtems_api@" %ifos mingw mingw32 # Mingw lacks functions required by the h8300 simulator %define build_sim --disable-sim %endif %endif %if "@tool_target@" == "m32c-rtems@rtems_api@" %ifos mingw mingw32 # Mingw lacks functions required by the m32c simulator %define build_sim --disable-sim %endif %endif %if "@tool_target@" == "lm32-rtems@rtems_api@" %ifos mingw mingw32 # Mingw lacks functions required by the lm32 simulator %define build_sim --disable-sim %endif %endif %if "@tool_target@" == "mipstx39-rtems@rtems_api@" %ifos mingw mingw32 # Mingw lacks functions required by the mipstx39 simulator %define build_sim --disable-sim %endif %endif # suse %if "%{?suse}" >= "10.3" BuildRequires: libexpat-devel %else # Fedora/CentOS/Cygwin/MinGW BuildRequires: %{_host_rpmprefix}expat-devel %endif %{?with_system_readline:BuildRequires: %{_host_rpmprefix}readline-devel} BuildRequires: %{_host_rpmprefix}ncurses-devel %if %build_infos # Required for building the infos BuildRequires: /sbin/install-info BuildRequires: texinfo >= 4.2 Requires: @rpmprefix@gdb-common %endif @SOURCES@ %description GDB for target @tool_target@