# # $Id$ # This directory contains a port of ppp-2.3.5. The official site for the original source for this PPP implementation is: ftp://cs.anu.edu.au/pub/software/ppp NOTE: As of 11/30/1999, the current version of this source is 2.3.10. The port was performed by Tomasz Domin of ComArch SA and has only been tested on the mpc823. The modem driver should work with minor modifications on other systems. ================================================================= Some comments: + "SetStatusInfo is a function which displays given message on bottom side of the screen." The issue of how to deal with SetStatusInfo in a generic, portable fashion is still open. + "Dialer returns positive integer when an error occurs, and negative one which is parsed from modem aswer, when connection is done (for example -28000 if connection speed is 28000 baud ...)" + PPP_User/PPP_Password "When this field is set, it is sent to the server when there is need to login .... When it is blank - it is using other method of authentification ... or none ... PPP_Password is also used in CHAT and PAP - because there is no configuration files in RTEMS ..." This falls into the general question of how to generally configure this. + ConnectionStatus This is the method of synchronization between pppd task and others. ConnectionStatus field is set by pppd - when connection occurs it`s state is set to Connected. WantConnection is set by client application (and the appriopriate event is sent then) so pppd knows what user wants to do ... + Around line 270 of main.c, there is code to change the default nameserver... why? Becouse in my application user can change it anytime ... - without need of rebooting the system When PPP connection is configured there is needed additional info about nameservers - PPP layer cant discover them itself