/* These are just some useful macros that control the TS-1325's LEDs and push-button switch. Useful for debugging. NOTE: This *must* be 16-bit compatible code to work in start.s Tony Ambardar */ .macro LED_OFF movw $P1LTC, dx inb dx, al orb $0b01000000, al andb $0b11011111, al outb al, dx .endm .macro LED_GREEN movw $P1LTC, dx inb dx, al orb $0b01100000, al outb al, dx .endm .macro LED_YELLOW movw $P1LTC, dx inb dx, al orb $0b00100000, al andb $0b10111111, al outb al, dx .endm .macro LED_RED movw $P1LTC, dx inb dx, al andb $0b10011111, al outb al, dx .endm .macro WAIT_BUTTON # Wait till the button is pressed for a bit. movw $P1PIN, dx # ~25-30 cycles per loop, 25MHz -> 1 sec. movl $300000,ecx # "Timer" count determines how long. 0: inb dx, al andb $0b00000001,al jnz 0b # Button pressed? decl ecx jnz 0b # CX count expired? .endm