Simple BSP for the TX3904 simulator built into gdb. Simulator Invocation ==================== The following is how the simulator is invoked. target sim --board=jmr3904 GDB must be configured with a target like "tx39-rtems". Otherwise, the simulator will not be built for the correct instruction and peripheral set. Simulator Information ===================== The simulated system clock counts instructions. Setting the clock source to "clock" and the divider to 1 results in the timer directly counting the number of instructions executed. Status ====== + hello.exe locks up while running the global destructors. This almost has to be a linkcmds issue. + Workaround: bspclean.c actually explicits invokes _sys_exit() BEFORE letting the global destructors run. + There is a clock tick device driver which has not been calibrated. + There is no timer device driver.