*** POSIX TEST READV/WRITEV *** writev bad file descriptor -- EBADF readv bad file descriptor -- EBADF writev bad iovec pointer -- EINVAL readv bad iovec pointer -- EINVAL writev bad iovcnt of 0 -- EINVAL readv bad iovcnt of 0 -- EINVAL writev bad iovcnt negative -- EINVAL readv bad iovcnt negative -- EINVAL writev bad iov[i].iov_base -- EINVAL readv bad iov[i].iov_base -- EINVAL writev bad iov[i].iov_len < 0 -- EINVAL readv bad iov[i].iov_len < 0 -- EINVAL writev iov_len total overflows -- EINVAL readv iov_len total overflows -- EINVAL writev iov_len works with no effect -- OK readv iov_len works with no effect -- OK readv bad iovcnt of IOV_MAX + 1 -- EINVAL writev bad iovcnt of IOV_MAX + 1 -- EINVAL File written using writev .. OK File read using readv .. OK *** END OF TEST PSXRDWRV ***