*** TEST 03 *** CPU 0: Thread Heir: 0x09010001 priority=255 CPU 0: Thread Executing: 0x09010001 priority=255 === Create 0x0a010001 === Creating task with: Preemption: yes Timeslicing: no Task (TA1) created: id=0x0a010001, priority=1 Task (TA1) starting: id=0x0a010001, priority=1 CPU 0: Thread Heir: 0x0a010001 priority=1 CPU 0: Thread Executing: 0x0a010001 priority=1 ** Mode - query Previous Mode: Preemption: yes Timeslicing: no ** Mode - set no timeslicing Previous Mode: Preemption: yes Timeslicing: no Current Mode: Preemption: yes Timeslicing: no ** Mode - set timeslicing Previous Mode: Preemption: yes Timeslicing: no Current Mode: Preemption: yes Timeslicing: yes ** Mode - set no timeslicing and no preempt Previous Mode: Preemption: yes Timeslicing: yes Current Mode: Preemption: no Timeslicing: no ** Mode - set timeslicing and preempt Previous Mode: Preemption: no Timeslicing: no Current Mode: Preemption: yes Timeslicing: yes ** Mode - query Previous Mode: Preemption: yes Timeslicing: yes *** END OF TEST 03 ***