*** TAR01 TEST *** Untaring from memory - successful ========= /home/test_file ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. ========= /symlink ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. Copy tar image to test.tar Untaring from file - successful ========= /dest/home/test_file ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. ========= /dest/symlink ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. Untaring chunks from memory - untar: dir: home untar: file: home/test_file (73) successful ========= /dest2/home/test_file ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. ========= /dest2/symlink ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. Untaring chunks from tgz- untar: dir: home untar: file: home/test_file (73) successful ========= /dest3/home/test_file ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. ========= /dest3/symlink ========= (0)This is a test of loading an RTEMS filesystem from an initial tar image. *** END OF TAR01 TEST ***