Changeset de9edc4 in rtems for c/src/lib/libbsp/i386/pc386

08/31/98 22:56:20 (26 years ago)
Joel Sherrill <joel.sherrill@…>
4.10, 4.11, 4.8, 4.9, 5, master

Patch from Eric Valette <valette@…>:

Here is a brief description of the attached patch :

1) There was a bug in the code for the COM2 serial line driver. Aleksey
gave me a fix that fixes the driver code itself. I would like to thank
him again publicly,

2) I introduced constants in the serial driver code because I had a hard
time reading the meanning of hexadecimal values in the NS data book :)

3)You can now mix printk and printf on serial line (tested on COM2).
There is a #ifdef PRINTK_ON_SERIAL in console.c that enables to have
printk on console while printf on serial line,
4) Removed call to displayCpuInfo because anyway if was at the wrong
place for serial line console (too early). It can anyway be called at
application level,

5) The original printk was unable to display negative integer values
and was also recursive. It now works corectly,

All the modifications have been tested here on the COM2 port from
a PC running RTEMS to a PC running linux,

NB : there is still a bug on PC386 serial line : exit does not flush the
remaining output queue. As this is not a bug in the driver itself but
somewhere in PC386 initialization/termios relationship it will be part
of another patch.

NB2 : As Emmanuel excerced the exception hanlder code, while porting the
SMC driver to the new BSD stack, we found a bug in the exception
handler : it shall not delete the current thread in case we are running
at interrupt level. This will be part of another patch...

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