Changeset afd4c7b in rtems for c/src/lib

12/13/06 20:04:05 (17 years ago)
Till Straumann <strauman@…>
4.10, 4.11, 4.8, 4.9, 5, master
  • vmeUniverse/vme_am_defs.h: Added address modifiers for 2eVME. Added flags for 2eSST and DBW16.
  • vmeUniverse/vmeUniverse.h: Removed AM definitions and include vme_am_defs.h instead. Declare new routine vmeUniverseMapCRG(). Export 'irq manager' API only if INSIDE_RTEMS_BSP defined. Renamed 'shared' argument to vmeUniverseInstallIrqMgrAlt() to 'flags' since now more options are available. Added new flag to install 'posted-write' workaround.
  • vmeUniverse/vmeUniverse.c: Allow BSP to override BSP_PCI2LOCAL_ADDR() macro. Data width of outbound port can now be restricted to 16-bit (if new DBW16 flag set in address modifier). Added vmeUniverseMapCRG() for mapping local registers onto VME. Interrupt manager now implements a workaround (enabled at installation time) which flushes the write-fifo after user ISR returns. This requires the universe's registers to be accessible from VME (either CSR space or CRG mapped to A16/A24/A32), though.
  • vmeUniverse/vmeTsi148.h: vmeTsi148ClearVMEBusErrors() now returns the fault address as a 32-bit address (not ulonglong anymore). The driver only supports 32-bit addresses. Declare new routine vmeTsi148MapCRG(). Export 'irq manager' API only if INSIDE_RTEMS_BSP defined. Renamed 'shared' argument to vmeTsi148InstallIrqMgrAlt() to 'flags' to allow more options to be supported. Added comments explaining the 'posted-write' workaround implemented by the interrupt manager.
  • vmeUniverse/vmeTsi148.c: Clear 'SYSFAIL' during initialization. Allow BSP to override BSP_PCI2LOCAL_ADDR() macro. Added support for 2eSST when configuring windows (untested - I have no 2eSST). Added vmeTsi148MapCRG() for mapping local registers onto VME. Implemented 'posted-write' workaround for interrupt manager (consult source for details).
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