/* ============================================================================ _SERVTGT ============================================================================ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern void rtems_exception_prologue_50(); #ifdef DDEBUG #define Ptrace TgtDbgPtrace #else #define Ptrace TgtRealPtrace #endif extern int errno; rtems_id eventTaskId; rtems_id serializeSemId; rtems_id wakeupEventSemId; CPU_Exception_frame Idle_frame; cpuExcHandlerType old_currentExcHandler; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- TgtRealPtrace - lowest level ptrace() wrapper ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TgtRealPtrace(int req, PID aid, char* addr, int d, void* addr2) { return ptrace(req, aid, addr, d, addr2); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- Maping of hardware exceptions into Unix-like signal numbers. It is identical to the one used by the PM and the AM. ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ int ExcepToSig (int excep) { switch (excep) { case I386_EXCEPTION_MATH_COPROC_UNAVAIL: case I386_EXCEPTION_I386_COPROC_SEG_ERR: case I386_EXCEPTION_FLOAT_ERROR: case I386_EXCEPTION_BOUND: return SIGFPE; case I386_EXCEPTION_DEBUG: case I386_EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT: case I386_EXCEPTION_ENTER_RDBG: return SIGTRAP; case I386_EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW: case I386_EXCEPTION_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: case I386_EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTR: return SIGILL; case I386_EXCEPTION_SEGMENT_NOT_PRESENT: case I386_EXCEPTION_STACK_SEGMENT_FAULT: case I386_EXCEPTION_GENERAL_PROT_ERR: case I386_EXCEPTION_PAGE_FAULT: return SIGSEGV; default: break; } return SIGKILL; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TgtChange() is called when the system stops. It informs the generic layers must be informed of that fact. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int TgtChange (PID pid, CPU_Exception_frame* ctx, int status) { if (TgtHandleChildChange (pid, &status, NULL, ctx)) { TgtNotifyWaitChange (pid, status, -1); } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- eventTask ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ rtems_task eventTask( rtems_task_argument pid) { Exception_context *ctx; DPRINTF (("event task: pid %d\n", pid)); /* * we spend all our time waiting for a semaphore. * If wait change, we send info */ for (;;){ DPRINTF (("Event Task: wait event\n")); rtems_semaphore_obtain(wakeupEventSemId, RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT); DPRINTF (("Event Task: wake up !!!!!!!!!!!!!\n")); errno = 0; ctx = GetExceptCtx(currentTargetThread); CheckForSingleStep(ctx->ctx); TgtChange(pid, ctx->ctx,STS_MAKESIG(ExcepToSig(ctx->ctx->idtIndex))); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- MyThreadIdle - This task is used to initiate the exception mechanism: It calls the enterDebug function with justSaveContext=1 only to push a first valid context in the list ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rtems_task MyThreadIdle(rtems_task_argument argument) { enterRdbg(); rtems_task_delete( RTEMS_SELF ); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TgtAttach - attach to a process that is running without control. Notes: - this function performs a ptrace ATTACH equivalent (attaching to a process that we do not control now). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Boolean TgtAttach( int conn_idx, /* client that is requesting */ PID pid) /* process to attach to */ { rtems_name task_name; rtems_status_code status; rtems_id debugId; interrupt_gate_descriptor *currentIdtEntry; unsigned limit; unsigned level; errno = 0; DPRINTF (("TgtAttach pid=%d\n",pid)); Ptrace(RPT_ATTACH, pid, NULL, 0, NULL); if (errno) return(False); /* failed */ TgtCreateNew(pid, conn_idx, 0, NULL, False); /* * Connect the Exception used to debug */ i386_get_info_from_IDTR (¤tIdtEntry, &limit); _CPU_ISR_Disable(level); create_interrupt_gate_descriptor (¤tIdtEntry[50], rtems_exception_prologue_50); _CPU_ISR_Enable(level); old_currentExcHandler = _currentExcHandler; _currentExcHandler = BreakPointExcHdl ; /* * Create the attach debuger task */ task_name = rtems_build_name( 'E', 'v', 'n', 't' ); if ((status = rtems_task_create( task_name, 10, 24576, RTEMS_INTERRUPT_LEVEL(0), RTEMS_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES | RTEMS_SYSTEM_TASK, &eventTaskId )) != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL){ printf("status = %d\n",status); rtems_panic ("Can't create task.\n"); } status = rtems_task_start(eventTaskId, eventTask, pid); status = rtems_semaphore_create (rtems_build_name('D', 'B', 'G', 's'), 1, RTEMS_FIFO | RTEMS_COUNTING_SEMAPHORE | RTEMS_NO_INHERIT_PRIORITY | RTEMS_NO_PRIORITY_CEILING | RTEMS_LOCAL, 0, &serializeSemId); if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_panic ("Can't create serialize semaphore: `%s'\n",rtems_status_text(status)); status = rtems_semaphore_create (rtems_build_name('D', 'B', 'G', 'w'), 0, RTEMS_FIFO | RTEMS_COUNTING_SEMAPHORE | RTEMS_NO_INHERIT_PRIORITY | RTEMS_NO_PRIORITY_CEILING | RTEMS_LOCAL, 0, &wakeupEventSemId); if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) rtems_panic ("Can't create wakeup semaphore: `%s'\n",rtems_status_text(status)); /* * Create the MyThreadIdle task to init Exception mechanism */ task_name = rtems_build_name( 'R', 'i', 'n', 'i' ); if ((status = rtems_task_create( task_name, 10, 24576, RTEMS_INTERRUPT_LEVEL(0), RTEMS_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES, &debugId )) != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL){ printf("status = %d\n",status); rtems_panic ("Can't create task.\n"); } status = rtems_task_start(debugId, MyThreadIdle, pid); return(True); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TgtPtrace - handle ptrace requests for server. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TgtPtrace( int req, PID pid, char *addr, int data, void *addr2) { if ((req == RPT_SINGLESTEP || req == RPT_CONT) && addr2) /* clear then step */ { /* addr2 is the old value */ int ret; errno = 0; TgtBreakRestoreOrig (pid, addr, addr2); ret = Ptrace(RPT_SINGLESTEP, pid, addr, data, NULL); /* step over */ if (ret) /* error, cannot single-step */ { int pid_idx = FindPidEntry (pid); TgtBreakCancelStep (&pid_list [pid_idx]); } return(ret); /* failed or done */ } else return(Ptrace(req, pid, addr, data, addr2)); /* normal call */ } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- TgtGetThreadName - get thread name --------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TgtGetThreadName ( PID_LIST *plst, /* Process entry */ unsigned Id, /* Thread ID */ char *ThrName) /* Thread name */ { int index; unsigned name; if ( Id <_Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_RTEMS_TASKS]->maximum_id && Id >_Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_RTEMS_TASKS]->minimum_id) { index = Id - _Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_RTEMS_TASKS]->minimum_id; name = *(unsigned*)(_Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_RTEMS_TASKS]->local_table[1+index]->name); ThrName[0] = (char)((name >> 24) & 0xFF ); ThrName[1] = (char)((name >> 16) & 0xFF ); ThrName[2] = (char)((name >> 8) & 0xFF ); ThrName[3] = (char)( name & 0xFF ); ThrName[4] = 0x0; return 0; } if ( Id <_Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_POSIX_THREADS]->maximum_id && Id >_Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_POSIX_THREADS]->minimum_id) { index = Id - _Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_POSIX_THREADS]->minimum_id; name = *(unsigned*)(_Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_POSIX_THREADS]->local_table[1+index]->name); ThrName[0] = (char)((name >> 24) & 0xFF ); ThrName[1] = (char)((name >> 16) & 0xFF ); ThrName[2] = (char)((name >> 8) & 0xFF ); ThrName[3] = (char)( name & 0xFF ); ThrName[4] = 0x0; return 0; } return -1; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- TgtThreadList - return all the threads in the system ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ int TgtThreadList ( PID_LIST* plst, /* Process entry */ unsigned* threads, /* Output buffer */ unsigned size) /* Output buffer size */ { int curr = 0; Objects_Id id; unsigned index; id = _Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_RTEMS_TASKS]->minimum_id; while (id < _Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_RTEMS_TASKS]->maximum_id){ index = id - _Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_RTEMS_TASKS]->minimum_id; if ( _Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_RTEMS_TASKS]->local_table[1+index] != NULL){ threads[curr] = (unsigned) id; curr++; } id ++; } id = _Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_POSIX_THREADS]->minimum_id; while (id < _Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_POSIX_THREADS]->maximum_id){ index = id - _Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_POSIX_THREADS]->minimum_id; if ( _Objects_Information_table[OBJECTS_POSIX_THREADS]->local_table[1+index] != NULL){ threads[curr] = (unsigned) id; curr++; } id ++; } return curr; }