/** * @file conio.c * * This file contains the GBA conio I/O package. */ /* * RTEMS GBA BSP * * Copyright (c) 2004 Markku Puro * based on MyLib by Rafael Vuijk (aka Dark Fader) * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rtems.com/license/LICENSE. * * $Id$ */ /***************************************************************************** * This source file is based on work by Rafael Vuijk (aka Dark Fader) ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** * MyLib by Rafael Vuijk (aka Dark Fader) * : * This file is released into the public domain for commercial * or non-commercial usage with no restrictions placed upon it. *****************************************************************************/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Includes * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Defines * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define W 60 /**< Screen width */ #define H 26 /**< Screen height */ #define CLRSCR_SIZE (W*4 * H*6) /**< Screen size */ #define DEFAULT_FONT_WIDTH 4 /**< Font width */ #define DEFAULT_FONT_HEIGHT 6 /**< Font height */ typedef unsigned short Palette[256]; /**< 256 colors */ typedef unsigned short Palettes[16][16]; /**< 16 palettes with each 16 colors */ typedef unsigned short Bitmap3[GBA_LCD_HEIGHT][GBA_LCD_WIDTH]; /**< 16 bits, single buffered */ typedef unsigned char Bitmap4[GBA_LCD_HEIGHT][GBA_LCD_WIDTH]; /**< 8 bits, double buffered */ typedef unsigned short Bitmap5[GBA_MODE5_HEIGHT][GBA_MODE5_WIDTH];/**< double buffered */ #define VRAM GBA_VRAM_ADDR /**< VRAM address */ #define VRAM_END (VRAM + 0x18000) /**< VRAM end */ #define BG_BITMAP0_VRAM (VRAM + 0x0) /**< BG Bitmap 0 RAM */ #define BG_BITMAP1_VRAM (VRAM + 0xa000) /**< BG Bitmap 1 RAM */ #define bg_bitmap0 (*(Bitmap4 *)BG_BITMAP0_VRAM) #define bg_bitmap1 (*(Bitmap4 *)BG_BITMAP1_VRAM) #define bg_bitmap3 (*(Bitmap3 *)BG_BITMAP0_VRAM) #define bg_bitmap4a (*(Bitmap4 *)BG_BITMAP0_VRAM) #define bg_bitmap4b (*(Bitmap4 *)BG_BITMAP1_VRAM) #define bg_bitmap5a (*(Bitmap5 *)BG_BITMAP0_VRAM) #define bg_bitmap5b (*(Bitmap5 *)BG_BITMAP1_VRAM) /** Color conversion macro */ #define RGB(r,g,b) ( (r)<<0 | (g)<<5 | (b)<<10 ) /** BG Affine Transformation Destination Data Structure */ typedef struct { int16_t H_DiffX; /**< Line Direction X Coordinate Difference */ int16_t V_DiffX; /**< Vertical Direction X Coordinate Difference */ int16_t H_DiffY; /**< Line Direction Y Coordinate Difference */ int16_t V_DiffY; /**< Vertical Direction Y Coordinate Difference */ int32_t StartX; /**< Start X Coordinate */ int32_t StartY; /**< Start Y Coordinate */ } BgAffineDestData; typedef volatile BgAffineDestData vBgAffineDestData; #define rBg2Affine (*(vBgAffineDestData *)0x4000020) /** 256 colors for background(s) */ #define bg_palette (*(Palette *)(GBA_PAL_RAM_ADDR)) int _wherex; /**< Screen X coordinate */ int _wherey; /**< Screen Y coordinate */ int _textattr; /**< Text attribute */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Defaultfont * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "defaultfont.c" /** * @brief gba_gotoxy function set screeen xy-coordinates * * @param _x screen x coordinate * @param _y screen y coordinate * @return None */ void gba_gotoxy(int _x, int _y) { _wherex = _x; _wherey = _y; } /** * @brief gba_putchar function writes char-data to screen memory. * * Char code is index to font table. * * Input parameters: char, attribute and cordinates * @param c character code * @param textattr text attribute * @param x screen x coordinate * @param y screen y coordinate * @return None */ void gba_putchar(char c, int textattr, int x, int y) { int f = textattr & 0x0F; int b = textattr >> 4; uint32_t fmask = f | f<<8 | f<<16 | f<<24; uint32_t bmask = b | b<<8 | b<<16 | b<<24; uint32_t *dest = (uint32_t *)&bg_bitmap4a[((y<<1) + y) << 1][x<<2]; const uint32_t *src = (uint32_t *)&(font3x5[(int)c]); uint32_t s; s = *src++; *dest = (fmask&s) | (bmask&~s); dest += GBA_LCD_WIDTH/sizeof(uint32_t); s = *src++; *dest = (fmask&s) | (bmask&~s); dest += GBA_LCD_WIDTH/sizeof(uint32_t); s = *src++; *dest = (fmask&s) | (bmask&~s); dest += GBA_LCD_WIDTH/sizeof(uint32_t); s = *src++; *dest = (fmask&s) | (bmask&~s); dest += GBA_LCD_WIDTH/sizeof(uint32_t); s = *src++; *dest = (fmask&s) | (bmask&~s); dest += GBA_LCD_WIDTH/sizeof(uint32_t); s = *src++; *dest = (fmask&s) | (bmask&~s); dest += GBA_LCD_WIDTH/sizeof(uint32_t); } /** * @brief gba_textattr function set textattribute * * @param _attr text attribute * @return None */ void gba_textattr(int _attr) { _textattr = _attr; } /** * @brief gba_textbackground function set text background color * * @param _color backround color * @return None */ void gba_textbackground(int _color) { _textattr = (_textattr & 0x0F) | (_color << 4); } /** * @brief gba_textcolor function set text color * * @param _colour text color * @return None */ void gba_textcolor(int _color) { _textattr = (_textattr & 0xF0) | (_color); } /** * @brief gba_clearline function clear line nro y * * Line is filled with spaces * * @param y line number * @return None */ void gba_clearline(int y) { int x; for (x=0 ; x<=W ; x++) { gba_putchar(0, _textattr, x, y); } } /** * @brief gba_nextline function moves cursor to next line and clears it * * @param None * @return None */ void gba_nextline(void) { _wherex = 0; if (++_wherey >= H) { _wherey = 0; } gba_clearline(_wherey); } /** * @brief gba_clrscr function clear screen * * @param None * @return None */ void gba_clrscr(void) { int y; for (y=0 ; y<=H ; y++) { gba_clearline(y); } gba_gotoxy(0,0); } /** * @brief gba_put function convert ascii char to font index and * write char to screen memory * * @param _c character code * @return None */ void gba_put(char _c) { /* We have save some memory with reduced fonts */ _c = _c & 0x7F; /* no extened chars */ _c = _c - 0x20; /* no cntr chars */ gba_putchar(_c, _textattr, _wherex, _wherey); } /** * @brief gba_putch function write ascii chars to screen * * @param _c character code * @return None */ void gba_putch(char _c) { switch (_c) { case ASCII_LF: gba_nextline(); break; case ASCII_CR: gba_gotoxy(0, _wherey); break; default: gba_put(_c); if (++_wherex >= W) { gba_nextline(); } break; } return; } /** * @brief gba_puts function write ascii string to screen * * @param _str ASCII string * @return None */ void gba_puts(const char *_str) { while (*_str) { gba_putch(*_str++); } return; } /** * @brief gba_printf function do formated printf * * @param _format printf format string * @param ... parameters specified in format string * @return None */ int gba_printf(const char *_format, ...) { char s[256]; va_list marker; va_start(marker, _format); int r = vsprintf(s, _format, marker); va_end(marker); gba_puts(s); return r; } /** * @brief gba_initconio function initialize console * * @param None * @return None */ void gba_initconio(void) { GBA_REG_DISPCNT = GBA_DISP_MODE_4 | GBA_DISP_BG2_ON;/* 256 color bitmapped mode */ const BgAffineDestData bgAffineReset = {256,0,0,256,0,-256*2}; rBg2Affine = bgAffineReset; bg_palette[BLACK ] = RGB( 0, 0, 0); /* BLACK */ bg_palette[BLUE ] = RGB( 0, 0,16); /* BLUE */ bg_palette[GREEN ] = RGB( 0,16, 0); /* GREEN */ bg_palette[CYAN ] = RGB( 0,16,16); /* CYAN */ bg_palette[RED ] = RGB(16, 0, 0); /* RED */ bg_palette[MAGENTA ] = RGB(16, 0,16); /* MAGENTA */ bg_palette[BROWN ] = RGB(16,16, 0); /* BROWN */ bg_palette[LIGHTGRAY ] = RGB(24,24,24); /* LIGHTGRAY */ bg_palette[DARKGRAY ] = RGB(16,16,16); /* DARKGRAY */ bg_palette[LIGHTBLUE ] = RGB( 0, 0,31); /* LIGHTBLUE */ bg_palette[LIGHTGREEN ] = RGB( 0,31, 0); /* LIGHTGREEN */ bg_palette[LIGHTCYAN ] = RGB( 0,31,31); /* LIGHTCYAN */ bg_palette[LIGHTRED ] = RGB(31, 0, 0); /* LIGHTRED */ bg_palette[LIGHTMAGENTA] = RGB(31, 0,31); /* LIGHTMAGENTA */ bg_palette[YELLOW ] = RGB(31,31, 0); /* YELLOW */ bg_palette[WHITE ] = RGB(31,31,31); /* WHITE */ gba_textattr(0); gba_textcolor(DEF_TEXTCOLOR); gba_textbackground(DEF_TEXTBACKGROUND); gba_clrscr(); } /** * @brief gba_textmode function set console mode * * @param _mode console mode code * @return None */ void gba_textmode(int _mode) { switch (_mode) { case CO60: { gba_initconio(); break; } } } /** * @brief delay_loop function is simple delay loop * * @param count loop counter * @return None */ void delay_loop(unsigned int count) { int i; for (i = 0; i'B') * - down-key decrement character ('B'-'A') * - left-key change set of character ('!'->'A'->'a') * - right-key change set of character ('a'->'A'->'!') * * @param None * @return Selected char code */ char gba_getch(void) { int keyx, key = 0; while(1) { key = GBA_KEY(); while ( (keyx=GBA_KEY())==key ); switch (key) { case GBA_KEY_SELECT: gba_put(inputch); return inputch; break; case GBA_KEY_START: gba_put(' '); inputch = ASCII_CR; return inputch; break; case GBA_KEY_A: inputch = 'A'; break; case GBA_KEY_B: inputch = 'Z'; break; case GBA_KEY_UP: if ((inputch-1) >= 0x20) inputch--; break; case GBA_KEY_DOWN: if ((inputch+1) <= 0x7E) inputch++; break; case GBA_KEY_LEFT: if ((inputch - 0x20) >= 0x20) inputch -= 0x20; break; case GBA_KEY_RIGHT: if ((inputch + 0x20) <= 0x7E) inputch += 0x20; break; case GBA_KEY_R: inputch = '1'; break; case GBA_KEY_L: inputch = '9'; break; default: break; } gba_put(inputch); delay_loop(1000); } }