/* * Trivial File Transfer Protocol (RFC 1350) * * Transfer file to/from remote host * * W. Eric Norum * Saskatchewan Accelerator Laboratory * University of Saskatchewan * Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA * eric@skatter.usask.ca * * $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Range of UDP ports to try */ #define UDP_PORT_BASE 3180 /* * Pathname prefix */ #define TFTP_PATHNAME_PREFIX "/TFTP/" /* * Default limits */ #define PACKET_REPLY_MILLISECONDS 6000 #define OPEN_RETRY_LIMIT 10 #define IO_RETRY_LIMIT 10 /* * TFTP opcodes */ #define TFTP_OPCODE_RRQ 1 #define TFTP_OPCODE_WRQ 2 #define TFTP_OPCODE_DATA 3 #define TFTP_OPCODE_ACK 4 #define TFTP_OPCODE_ERROR 5 /* * Largest data transfer */ #define TFTP_BUFSIZE 512 /* * Packets transferred between machines */ union tftpPacket { /* * RRQ/WRQ packet */ struct tftpRWRQ { rtems_unsigned16 opcode; char filename_mode[TFTP_BUFSIZE]; } tftpRWRQ; /* * DATA packet */ struct tftpDATA { rtems_unsigned16 opcode; rtems_unsigned16 blocknum; rtems_unsigned8 data[TFTP_BUFSIZE]; } tftpDATA; /* * ACK packet */ struct tftpACK { rtems_unsigned16 opcode; rtems_unsigned16 blocknum; } tftpACK; /* * ERROR packet */ struct tftpERROR { rtems_unsigned16 opcode; rtems_unsigned16 errorCode; char errorMessage[TFTP_BUFSIZE]; } tftpERROR; }; /* * State of each TFTP stream */ struct tftpStream { /* * Buffer for storing most recently-received packet */ union tftpPacket pkbuf; /* * Last block number received */ rtems_unsigned16 blocknum; /* * Data transfer socket */ int socket; struct sockaddr_in myAddress; struct sockaddr_in farAddress; /* * Indices into buffer */ int nleft; int nused; /* * Flags */ int firstReply; int eof; }; /* * Number of streams open at the same time */ static rtems_id tftp_mutex; static int nStreams; static struct tftpStream ** volatile tftpStreams; /* * Initialize the TFTP driver */ /* XXX change name to rtems_bsdnet_initialize_tftp_filesystem ("mountpt") */ /* XXX this won't be a driver when we are finished */ rtems_device_driver rtems_tftp_initialize( rtems_device_major_number major, rtems_device_minor_number minor, void *pargp ) { rtems_status_code sc; sc = rtems_semaphore_create (rtems_build_name('T', 'F', 'T', 'P'), 1, RTEMS_FIFO | RTEMS_BINARY_SEMAPHORE | RTEMS_NO_INHERIT_PRIORITY | RTEMS_NO_PRIORITY_CEILING | RTEMS_LOCAL, 0, &tftp_mutex); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) return sc; /* XXX change to a mount */ rtems_io_register_name (TFTP_PATHNAME_PREFIX, major, minor); return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL; } /* * Set error message * This RTEMS/UNIX error mapping needs to be fixed! */ static void tftpSetErrno (struct tftpStream *tp) { unsigned int tftpError; static const int errorMap[] = { 0, ENOENT, EPERM, ENOSPC, EINVAL, ENXIO, EEXIST, ESRCH, 0, }; tftpError = ntohs (tp->pkbuf.tftpERROR.errorCode); if (tftpError < (sizeof errorMap / sizeof errorMap[0])) errno = errorMap[tftpError]; else errno = 1000 + tftpError; } /* * Send a message to make the other end shut up */ static void sendStifle (struct tftpStream *tp, struct sockaddr_in *to) { int len; /* * Create the error packet (Unknown transfer ID). */ tp->pkbuf.tftpERROR.opcode = htons (TFTP_OPCODE_ERROR); tp->pkbuf.tftpERROR.errorCode = htons (5); len = sizeof tp->pkbuf.tftpERROR.opcode + sizeof tp->pkbuf.tftpERROR.errorCode + 1; len += sprintf (tp->pkbuf.tftpERROR.errorMessage, "GO AWAY"); /* * Send it */ sendto (tp->socket, (char *)&tp->pkbuf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)to, sizeof *to); } /* * Wait for a data packet */ static int getPacket (struct tftpStream *tp) { int len; struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 6; tv.tv_usec = 0; setsockopt (tp->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &tv, sizeof tv); for (;;) { union { struct sockaddr s; struct sockaddr_in i; } from; int fromlen = sizeof from; len = recvfrom (tp->socket, (char *)&tp->pkbuf, sizeof tp->pkbuf, 0, &from.s, &fromlen); if (len < 0) break; if (from.i.sin_addr.s_addr == tp->farAddress.sin_addr.s_addr) { if (tp->firstReply) { tp->firstReply = 0; tp->farAddress.sin_port = from.i.sin_port; } if (tp->farAddress.sin_port == from.i.sin_port) break; } /* * Packet is from someone with whom we are * not interested. Tell them to go away. */ sendStifle (tp, &from.i); } tv.tv_sec = 0; setsockopt (tp->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &tv, sizeof tv); return len; } /* * Send an acknowledgement */ static int sendAck (struct tftpStream *tp) { /* * Create the acknowledgement */ tp->pkbuf.tftpACK.opcode = htons (TFTP_OPCODE_ACK); tp->pkbuf.tftpACK.blocknum = htons (tp->blocknum); /* * Send it */ if (sendto (tp->socket, (char *)&tp->pkbuf, sizeof tp->pkbuf.tftpACK, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&tp->farAddress, sizeof tp->farAddress) < 0) return errno; return 0; } /* * Release a stream and clear the pointer to it */ static void releaseStream (int s) { rtems_semaphore_obtain (tftp_mutex, RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT); free (tftpStreams[s]); tftpStreams[s] = NULL; rtems_semaphore_release (tftp_mutex); } /* * Open a TFTP stream */ rtems_device_driver rtems_tftp_open( rtems_device_major_number major, rtems_device_minor_number minor, void *pargp ) { rtems_libio_open_close_args_t *ap = pargp; struct tftpStream *tp; int retryCount; rtems_unsigned32 farAddress; int s; int len; char *cp1, *cp2; char *remoteFilename; rtems_interval now; rtems_status_code sc; /* XXX change to eval_path/open */ /* * Read-only for now */ if (ap->flags & LIBIO_FLAGS_WRITE) return RTEMS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; /* * Pick apart the name into a host:pathname pair */ if (strlen (ap->iop->pathname) <= strlen (TFTP_PATHNAME_PREFIX)) return RTEMS_INVALID_NAME; cp2 = ap->iop->pathname + strlen (TFTP_PATHNAME_PREFIX); if (*cp2 == '/') { farAddress = rtems_bsdnet_bootp_server_address.s_addr; } else { char *hostname; cp1 = cp2; while (*cp2 != '/') { if (*cp2 == '\0') return RTEMS_INVALID_NAME; cp2++; } len = cp2 - cp1; hostname = malloc (len + 1); if (hostname == NULL) return RTEMS_NO_MEMORY; strncpy (hostname, cp1, len); hostname[len] = '\0'; farAddress = inet_addr (hostname); free (hostname); } if ((farAddress == 0) || (farAddress == ~0)) return RTEMS_INVALID_NAME; if (*++cp2 == '\0') return RTEMS_INVALID_NAME; remoteFilename = cp2; if (strlen (remoteFilename) > (TFTP_BUFSIZE - 10)) return RTEMS_INVALID_NAME; /* * Find a free stream */ sc = rtems_semaphore_obtain (tftp_mutex, RTEMS_WAIT, RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT); if (sc != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL) return sc; for (s = 0 ; s < nStreams ; s++) { if (tftpStreams[s] == NULL) break; } if (s == nStreams) { /* * Reallocate stream pointers * Guard against the case where realloc() returns NULL. */ struct tftpStream **np; np = realloc (tftpStreams, ++nStreams * sizeof *tftpStreams); if (np == NULL) { rtems_semaphore_release (tftp_mutex); return RTEMS_NO_MEMORY; } tftpStreams = np; } tp = tftpStreams[s] = malloc (sizeof (struct tftpStream)); rtems_semaphore_release (tftp_mutex); if (tp == NULL) return RTEMS_NO_MEMORY; ap->iop->data0 = s; ap->iop->data1 = tp; /* * Create the socket */ if ((tp->socket = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { releaseStream (s); return RTEMS_TOO_MANY; } /* * Bind the socket to a local address */ retryCount = 0; rtems_clock_get (RTEMS_CLOCK_GET_TICKS_SINCE_BOOT, &now); for (;;) { int try = (now + retryCount) % 10; tp->myAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; tp->myAddress.sin_port = htons (UDP_PORT_BASE + nStreams * try + minor); tp->myAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY); if (bind (tp->socket, (struct sockaddr *)&tp->myAddress, sizeof tp->myAddress) >= 0) break; if (++retryCount == 10) { close (tp->socket); releaseStream (minor); return RTEMS_RESOURCE_IN_USE; } } /* * Set the UDP destination to the TFTP server * port on the remote machine. */ tp->farAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; tp->farAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = farAddress; tp->farAddress.sin_port = htons (69); /* * Start the transfer */ tp->firstReply = 1; for (;;) { /* * Create the request */ tp->pkbuf.tftpRWRQ.opcode = htons (TFTP_OPCODE_RRQ); cp1 = tp->pkbuf.tftpRWRQ.filename_mode; cp2 = remoteFilename; while ((*cp1++ = *cp2++) != '\0') continue; cp2 = "octet"; while ((*cp1++ = *cp2++) != '\0') continue; len = cp1 - (char *)&tp->pkbuf.tftpRWRQ; /* * Send the request */ if (sendto (tp->socket, (char *)&tp->pkbuf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&tp->farAddress, sizeof tp->farAddress) < 0) { close (tp->socket); releaseStream (minor); return RTEMS_UNSATISFIED; } /* * Get reply */ len = getPacket (tp); if (len >= (int) sizeof tp->pkbuf.tftpACK) { int opcode = ntohs (tp->pkbuf.tftpDATA.opcode); if ((opcode == TFTP_OPCODE_DATA) && (ntohs (tp->pkbuf.tftpDATA.blocknum) == 1)) { tp->nused = 0; tp->blocknum = 1; tp->nleft = len - 2 * sizeof (rtems_unsigned16); tp->eof = (tp->nleft < TFTP_BUFSIZE); if (sendAck (tp) != 0) { close (tp->socket); releaseStream (minor); return RTEMS_UNSATISFIED; } break; } if (opcode == TFTP_OPCODE_ERROR) { tftpSetErrno (tp); close (tp->socket); releaseStream (ap->iop->data0); return RTEMS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } /* * Keep trying */ if (++retryCount >= OPEN_RETRY_LIMIT) { close (tp->socket); releaseStream (minor); return RTEMS_UNSATISFIED; } } return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL; } /* * Read from a TFTP stream */ rtems_device_driver rtems_tftp_read( rtems_device_major_number major, rtems_device_minor_number minor, void *pargp ) { rtems_libio_rw_args_t *ap = pargp; char *bp; struct tftpStream *tp; int retryCount; int nwant; tp = ap->iop->data1; /* * Read till user request is satisfied or EOF is reached */ bp = ap->buffer; nwant = ap->count; while (nwant) { if (tp->nleft) { int count; if (nwant < tp->nleft) count = nwant; else count = tp->nleft; memcpy (bp, &tp->pkbuf.tftpDATA.data[tp->nused], count); tp->nused += count; tp->nleft -= count; bp += count; nwant -= count; if (nwant == 0) break; } if (tp->eof) break; /* * Wait for the next packet */ retryCount = 0; for (;;) { int len = getPacket (tp); if (len >= (int)sizeof tp->pkbuf.tftpACK) { int opcode = ntohs (tp->pkbuf.tftpDATA.opcode); rtems_unsigned16 nextBlock = tp->blocknum + 1; if ((opcode == TFTP_OPCODE_DATA) && (ntohs (tp->pkbuf.tftpDATA.blocknum) == nextBlock)) { tp->nused = 0; tp->nleft = len - 2 * sizeof (rtems_unsigned16); tp->eof = (tp->nleft < TFTP_BUFSIZE); tp->blocknum++; if (sendAck (tp) != 0) return RTEMS_IO_ERROR; break; } if (opcode == TFTP_OPCODE_ERROR) { tftpSetErrno (tp); return RTEMS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } /* * Keep trying? */ if (++retryCount == IO_RETRY_LIMIT) return RTEMS_IO_ERROR; if (sendAck (tp) != 0) return RTEMS_IO_ERROR; } } ap->bytes_moved = ap->count - nwant; return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL; } /* * Close a TFTP stream */ rtems_device_driver rtems_tftp_close( rtems_device_major_number major, rtems_device_minor_number minor, void *pargp ) { rtems_libio_open_close_args_t *ap = pargp; struct tftpStream *tp = ap->iop->data1;; if (!tp->eof && !tp->firstReply) { /* * Tell the other end to stop */ rtems_interval ticksPerSecond; sendStifle (tp, &tp->farAddress); rtems_clock_get (RTEMS_CLOCK_GET_TICKS_PER_SECOND, &ticksPerSecond); rtems_task_wake_after (1 + ticksPerSecond / 10); } close (tp->socket); releaseStream (ap->iop->data0); return RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL; } rtems_device_driver rtems_tftp_write( rtems_device_major_number major, rtems_device_minor_number minor, void *pargp ) { return RTEMS_NOT_CONFIGURED; } rtems_device_driver rtems_tftp_control( rtems_device_major_number major, rtems_device_minor_number minor, void *pargp ) { return RTEMS_NOT_CONFIGURED; }