/*! @file ExecutableInfo.cc * @brief ExecutableInfo Implementation * * This file contains the implementation of the functionality * of the ExecutableInfo class. */ #include #include #include "ExecutableInfo.h" #include "app_common.h" #include "CoverageMap.h" #include "DesiredSymbols.h" #include "SymbolTable.h" namespace Coverage { ExecutableInfo::ExecutableInfo( const char* const theExecutableName, const char* const theLibraryName ) : executable(theExecutableName), loadAddress(0) { if (theLibraryName) libraryName = theLibraryName; executable.open(); executable.begin(); executable.load_symbols(symbols); debug.begin(executable.elf()); debug.load_debug(); } ExecutableInfo::~ExecutableInfo() { debug.end(); executable.end(); executable.close(); } void ExecutableInfo::dumpCoverageMaps( void ) { ExecutableInfo::CoverageMaps::iterator itr; for (auto& cm : coverageMaps) { std::cerr << "Coverage Map for " << cm.first << std::endl; cm.second->dump(); } } void ExecutableInfo::dumpExecutableInfo( void ){ std::cout << std::endl << "== Executable info ==" << std::endl << "executable = " << getFileName () << std::endl << "library = " << libraryName << std::endl << "loadAddress = " << loadAddress << std::endl; theSymbolTable.dumpSymbolTable(); } CoverageMapBase* ExecutableInfo::getCoverageMap ( uint32_t address ) { CoverageMapBase* aCoverageMap = NULL; CoverageMaps::iterator it; std::string itsSymbol; // Obtain the coverage map containing the specified address. itsSymbol = theSymbolTable.getSymbol( address ); if (itsSymbol != "") { it = coverageMaps.find( itsSymbol ); aCoverageMap = (*it).second; } return aCoverageMap; } const std::string ExecutableInfo::getFileName ( void ) const { return executable.name().full(); } const std::string ExecutableInfo::getLibraryName( void ) const { return libraryName; } uint32_t ExecutableInfo::getLoadAddress( void ) const { return loadAddress; } SymbolTable* ExecutableInfo::getSymbolTable ( void ) { return &theSymbolTable; } CoverageMapBase* ExecutableInfo::createCoverageMap ( const std::string& fileName, const std::string& symbolName, uint32_t lowAddress, uint32_t highAddress ) { CoverageMapBase *theMap; ExecutableInfo::CoverageMaps::iterator itr; itr = coverageMaps.find( symbolName ); if ( itr == coverageMaps.end() ) { theMap = new CoverageMap( fileName, lowAddress, highAddress ); coverageMaps[ symbolName ] = theMap; } else { theMap = itr->second; theMap->Add( lowAddress, highAddress ); } return theMap; } void ExecutableInfo::getSourceAndLine( const unsigned int address, std::string& line ) { std::string file; int lno; debug.get_source (address, file, lno); std::ostringstream ss; ss << file << ':' << lno; line = ss.str (); } bool ExecutableInfo::hasDynamicLibrary( void ) { return !libraryName.empty(); } void ExecutableInfo::mergeCoverage( void ) { ExecutableInfo::CoverageMaps::iterator itr; for (itr = coverageMaps.begin(); itr != coverageMaps.end(); itr++) { SymbolsToAnalyze->mergeCoverageMap( (*itr).first, (*itr).second ); } } void ExecutableInfo::setLoadAddress( uint32_t address ) { loadAddress = address; } }