# # RTEMS Tools Project (http://www.rtems.org/) # Copyright 2010-2014 Chris Johns (chrisj@rtems.org) # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the RTEMS Tools package in 'rtems-tools'. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # # Macro tables. # import copy import re import os import string import error import path # # Macro tables # class macros: class macro_iterator: def __init__(self, keys): self.keys = keys self.index = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if self.index < len(self.keys): key = self.keys[self.index] self.index += 1 return key raise StopIteration def iterkeys(self): return self.keys def __init__(self, name = None, original = None, rtdir = '.'): self.files = [] self.macro_filter = re.compile(r'%{[^}]+}') if original is None: self.macros = {} self.read_maps = [] self.read_map_locked = False self.write_map = 'global' self.macros['global'] = {} self.macros['global']['nil'] = ('none', 'none', '') self.macros['global']['_cwd'] = ('dir', 'required', path.abspath(os.getcwd())) self.macros['global']['_rtdir'] = ('dir', 'required', path.abspath(rtdir)) self.macros['global']['_rttop'] = ('dir', 'required', path.abspath(path.dirname(rtdir))) else: self.macros = {} for m in original.macros: if m not in self.macros: self.macros[m] = {} for k in original.macros[m]: self.macros[m][k] = copy.copy(original.macros[m][k]) self.read_maps = sorted(copy.copy(original.read_maps)) self.read_map_locked = copy.copy(original.read_map_locked) self.write_map = copy.copy(original.write_map) if name is not None: self.load(name) def __copy__(self): return macros(original = self) def __str__(self): text_len = 80 text = '' for f in self.files: text += '> %s%s' % (f, os.linesep) for map in self.macros: if map in self.read_maps: if self.read_map_locked: rm = 'R' else: rm = 'r' else: rm = '-' if map == self.write_map: wm = 'w' else: wm = '-' text += '[%s] %s%s%s' % (map, rm, wm, os.linesep) for k in sorted(self.macros[map].keys()): d = self.macros[map][k] text += " %s:%s '%s'%s '%s'%s" % \ (k, ' ' * (20 - len(k)), d[0], ' ' * (8 - len(d[0])), d[1], ' ' * (10 - len(d[1]))) if len(d[2]) == 0: text += "''%s" % (os.linesep) else: if '\n' in d[2]: text += "'''" else: text += "'" indent = False ds = d[2].split('\n') lc = 0 for l in ds: lc += 1 while len(l): if indent: text += ' %21s %10s %12s' % (' ', ' ', ' ') text += l[0:text_len] l = l[text_len:] if len(l): text += ' \\' elif lc == len(ds): if len(ds) > 1: text += "'''" else: text += "'" text += '%s' % (os.linesep) indent = True return text def __iter__(self): return macros.macro_iterator(self.keys()) def __getitem__(self, key): macro = self.get(key) if macro is None or macro[1] == 'undefine': raise IndexError('key: %s' % (key)) return macro[2] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if type(key) is not str: raise TypeError('bad key type (want str): %s' % (type(key))) if type(value) is str: value = ('none', 'none', value) if type(value) is not tuple: raise TypeError('bad value type (want tuple): %s' % (type(value))) if len(value) != 3: raise TypeError('bad value tuple (len not 3): %d' % (len(value))) if type(value[0]) is not str: raise TypeError('bad value tuple type field: %s' % (type(value[0]))) if type(value[1]) is not str: raise TypeError('bad value tuple attrib field: %s' % (type(value[1]))) if type(value[2]) is not str: raise TypeError('bad value tuple value field: %s' % (type(value[2]))) if value[0] not in ['none', 'triplet', 'dir', 'file', 'exe']: raise TypeError('bad value tuple (type field): %s' % (value[0])) if value[1] not in ['none', 'optional', 'required', 'override', 'undefine', 'convert']: raise TypeError('bad value tuple (attrib field): %s' % (value[1])) if value[1] == 'convert': value = self.expand(value) self.macros[self.write_map][self.key_filter(key)] = value def __delitem__(self, key): self.undefine(key) def __contains__(self, key): return self.has_key(key) def __len__(self): return len(self.keys()) def keys(self): keys = self.macros['global'].keys() for rm in self.get_read_maps(): for mk in self.macros[rm]: if self.macros[rm][mk][1] == 'undefine': if mk in keys: keys.remove(mk) else: keys.append(mk) return sorted(set(keys)) def has_key(self, key): if type(key) is not str: raise TypeError('bad key type (want str): %s' % (type(key))) if self.key_filter(key) not in self.keys(): return False return True def maps(self): return self.macros.keys() def get_read_maps(self): return [rm[5:] for rm in self.read_maps] def key_filter(self, key): if key.startswith('%{') and key[-1] is '}': key = key[2:-1] return key.lower() def parse(self, lines): def _clean(l): if '#' in l: l = l[:l.index('#')] if '\r' in l: l = l[:l.index('r')] if '\n' in l: l = l[:l.index('\n')] return l.strip() trace_me = False if trace_me: print '[[[[]]]] parsing macros' orig_macros = copy.copy(self.macros) map = 'global' lc = 0 state = 'key' token = '' macro = [] for l in lines: lc += 1 #print 'l:%s' % (l[:-1]) if len(l) == 0: continue l_remaining = l for c in l: if trace_me: print ']]]]]]]] c:%s(%d) s:%s t:"%s" m:%r M:%s' % \ (c, ord(c), state, token, macro, map) l_remaining = l_remaining[1:] if c is '#' and not state.startswith('value'): break if c == '\n' or c == '\r': if not (state is 'key' and len(token) == 0) and \ not state.startswith('value-multiline'): self.macros = orig_macros raise error.general('malformed macro line:%d: %s' % (lc, l)) if state is 'key': if c not in string.whitespace: if c is '[': state = 'map' elif c is '%': state = 'directive' elif c is ':': macro += [token] token = '' state = 'attribs' elif c is '#': break else: token += c elif state is 'map': if c is ']': if token not in self.macros: self.macros[token] = {} map = token token = '' state = 'key' elif c in string.printable and c not in string.whitespace: token += c else: self.macros = orig_macros raise error.general('invalid macro map:%d: %s' % (lc, l)) elif state is 'directive': if c in string.whitespace: if token == 'include': self.load(_clean(l_remaining)) token = '' state = 'key' break elif c in string.printable and c not in string.whitespace: token += c else: self.macros = orig_macros raise error.general('invalid macro directive:%d: %s' % (lc, l)) elif state is 'include': if c is string.whitespace: if token == 'include': state = 'include' elif c in string.printable and c not in string.whitespace: token += c else: self.macros = orig_macros raise error.general('invalid macro directive:%d: %s' % (lc, l)) elif state is 'attribs': if c not in string.whitespace: if c is ',': macro += [token] token = '' if len(macro) == 3: state = 'value-start' else: token += c elif state is 'value-start': if c is "'": state = 'value-line-start' elif state is 'value-line-start': if c is "'": state = 'value-multiline-start' else: state = 'value-line' token += c elif state is 'value-multiline-start': if c is "'": state = 'value-multiline' else: macro += [token] state = 'macro' elif state is 'value-line': if c is "'": macro += [token] state = 'macro' else: token += c elif state is 'value-multiline': if c is "'": state = 'value-multiline-end' else: token += c elif state is 'value-multiline-end': if c is "'": state = 'value-multiline-end-end' else: state = 'value-multiline' token += "'" + c elif state is 'value-multiline-end-end': if c is "'": macro += [token] state = 'macro' else: state = 'value-multiline' token += "''" + c else: self.macros = orig_macros raise error.internal('bad state: %s' % (state)) if state is 'macro': self.macros[map][macro[0].lower()] = (macro[1], macro[2], macro[3]) macro = [] token = '' state = 'key' def load(self, name): names = self.expand(name).split(':') for n in names: if path.exists(n): try: mc = open(path.host(n), 'r') macros = self.parse(mc) mc.close() self.files += [n] return except IOError, err: pass raise error.general('opening macro file: %s' % \ (path.host(self.expand(name)))) def get(self, key): if type(key) is not str: raise TypeError('bad key type: %s' % (type(key))) key = self.key_filter(key) for rm in self.get_read_maps(): if key in self.macros[rm]: return self.macros[rm][key] if key in self.macros['global']: return self.macros['global'][key] return None def get_type(self, key): m = self.get(key) if m is None: return None return m[0] def get_attribute(self, key): m = self.get(key) if m is None: return None return m[1] def get_value(self, key): m = self.get(key) if m is None: return None return m[2] def overridden(self, key): return self.get_attribute(key) == 'override' def define(self, key, value = '1'): if type(key) is not str: raise TypeError('bad key type: %s' % (type(key))) self.__setitem__(key, ('none', 'none', value)) def undefine(self, key): if type(key) is not str: raise TypeError('bad key type: %s' % (type(key))) key = self.key_filter(key) for map in self.macros: if key in self.macros[map]: del self.macros[map][key] def expand(self, _str): """Simple basic expander of config file macros.""" expanded = True while expanded: expanded = False for m in self.macro_filter.findall(_str): name = m[2:-1] macro = self.get(name) if macro is None: print self.macros raise error.general('cannot expand default macro: %s in "%s"' % (m, _str)) _str = _str.replace(m, macro[2]) expanded = True return _str def find(self, regex): what = re.compile(regex) keys = [] for key in self.keys(): if what.match(key): keys += [key] return keys def set_read_map(self, _map): if not self.read_map_locked: if _map in self.macros: if _map not in self.get_read_maps(): rm = '%04d_%s' % (len(self.read_maps), _map) self.read_maps = sorted(self.read_maps + [rm]) return True return False def unset_read_map(self, _map): if not self.read_map_locked: if _map in self.get_read_maps(): for i in range(0, len(self.read_maps)): if '%04d_%s' % (i, _map) == self.read_maps[i]: self.read_maps.pop(i) return True return False def set_write_map(self, map): if map in self.macros: self.write_map = map return True return False def lock_read_map(self): self.read_map_locked = True def unlock_read_map(self): self.read_map_locked = False if __name__ == "__main__": import copy import sys m = macros(name = 'defaults.mc') d = copy.copy(m) m['test1'] = 'something' if d.has_key('test1'): print 'error: copy failed.' sys.exit(1) m.parse("[test]\n" \ "test1: none, undefine, ''\n" \ "name: none, override, 'pink'\n") print 'set test:', m.set_read_map('test') if m['name'] != 'pink': print 'error: override failed. name is %s' % (m['name']) sys.exit(1) if m.has_key('test1'): print 'error: map undefine failed.' sys.exit(1) print 'unset test:', m.unset_read_map('test') print m print m.keys()