source: rtems-docs/eng/coding-conventions.rst @ 1fdd3cf

Last change on this file since 1fdd3cf was e52906b, checked in by Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber@…>, on 01/09/19 at 15:14:06

Simplify SPDX-License-Identifier comment

  • Property mode set to 100644
File size: 10.3 KB
1.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
3.. Copyright (C) 2018.
4.. COMMENT: RTEMS Foundation, The RTEMS Documentation Project
6.. COMMENT:TBD  - Convert the following to Rest and insert into this file
9Coding Conventions
12The style of RTEMS is generally consistent in the core areas.
13This page attempts to capture generally accepted practices.
14When in doubt, consult the code around you or look in cpukit/rtems.
15See the sister page `Doxygen Recommendations <>`_.
16for examples that illustrate style rules and Doxygen usage.
18Source Documentation
21* Use Doxygen according to our `Doxygen Recommendations <>`_..
22* Start each file with a brief description followed by a license.
23  See `Boilerplate File Header <>`_..
24* Use /* */ comments.
25* Use comments wisely within function bodies, to explain
26  or draw attention without being verbose.
27* Use English prose and strive for good grammar,
28  spelling, and punctuation.
29* Use TODO: with a comment to indicate code that needs improvement.
30  Make it clear what there is to do.
31* Use XXX or FIXME to indicate an error/bug/broken code.
36* The RTEMS `License <>`_. is the typical
37  and preferred license.
38  * 2- and 3-clause BSD, MIT, and other OSI-approved non-copyleft licenses
39    that permit statically linking with the code of different licenses
40    are acceptable.
41  * GPL licensed code is NOT acceptable, neither is LGPL.
42    See `this blog post explanation <>`_.
43    for more information.
44  * Advertising obligations are NOT acceptable, but restrictions are permissible.
46Language and Compiler
49* Use C99.
50* Treat warnings as errors: eliminate them.
51* Favor C, but when assembly language is required use inline
52  assembly if possible.
53* Do not use compiler extensions.
54* Use the RTEMS_macros defined in score/basedefs.h for abstracting
55  compiler-specific features.
56* Use NULL for the null pointer, and prefer to use explicit
57  checks against NULL, e.g.,
59  .. code-block:: c
61      if ( ptr != NULL )
62  instead of
64  .. code-block:: c
66      if ( !ptr )
67* Use explicit checks for bits in variables.
68   * Example 1: Use
69      .. code-block:: c
71           if ( XBITS == (var & XBITS) )
72     to check for a set of defined bits.
73   * Example 2: Use
74      .. code-block:: c
76          if ( (var & X_FLAGS) != 0) )
77     instead of
78      .. code-block:: c
80          if ( !!(var & X_FLAGS) )
81     to check for at least 1 defined bit in a set.
82* Use '(void) unused;' to mark unused parameters and set-but-unused
83  variables immediately after being set.
84* Do not put function prototypes in C source files, any global functions
85  should have a prototype in a header file and any private function
86  should be declared static.
87* Declare global variables in exactly one header file.
88  Define global variables in at most one source file.
89  Include the header file declaring the global variable as
90  the first include file if possible to make sure that the
91  compiler checks the declaration and definition and that
92  the header file is self-contained.
93* Do not cast arguments to any printf() or printk() variant.
94  Use <inttypes.h> PRI constants for the types supported there.
95  Use <rtems/inttypes.h> for the other POSIX and RTEMS types that
96  have PRI constants defined there. This increases the portability
97  of the printf() format.
98* Do not use the register keyword. It is deprecated since C++14.
103* Use spaces instead of tabs.
104* Use two spaces for indentation, four spaces for
105  hanging indentation.
106* Adhere to a limit of `80 characters per line <>`_..
107* Put function return types and names on one line if they fit.
108* Put function calls on one line if they fit.
109* No space between a function name or function-like macro and
110  the opening parens.
111* Put braces on the same line as and one space after the
112  conditional expression ends.
113* Put the opening brace of a function definition one line after
114  the closing parenthesis of its prototype.
115* Put a single space inside and outside of each parenthesis
116  of a conditional expression.
117  * Exception: never put a space before a closing semi-colon.
118* Put a single space before and after ternary operators.
119* Put a single space before and after binary operators.
120* Put no space between unary operators (e.g. *, &, !, ~, ++, --)
121  and their operands.
122* No spaces around dereferencing operators (-> and .).
123* Do not use more than one blank line in a row.
124* Do not use trailing whitespace at the end of a line.
129* Understand and follow the `naming rules <>`_..
130* Use typedef to remove 'struct', but do not use typedef
131  to hide pointers or arrays.
132  * Exception: typedef can be used to simplify function pointer types.
134* Do not mix variable declarations and code.
135* Declare variables at the start of a block.
136* Only use primitive initialization of variables at their declarations.
137  Avoid complex initializations or function calls in variable declarations.
138* Do not put unrelated functions or data in a single file.
139* Do not declare functions inside functions.
140* Avoid deep nesting by using early exits e.g. return, break, continue.
141  * Parameter checking should be done first with early error returns.
142  * Avoid allocation and critical sections until error checking is done.
143  * For error checks that require locking, do the checks early after acquiring locks.
144  * Use of 'goto' requires good reason and justification.
146* Test and action should stay close together.
147* Avoid complex logic in conditional and loop statements.
148* Put conditional and loop statements on the line after the expression.
149* Favor inline functions to hide
150  `compile-time feature-conditioned compilation <>`_..
151* Define non-inline functions in a .c source file.
152* Declare all global (non-static) functions in a .h header file.
153* Declare and define inline functions in one place. Usually, this
154  is a *impl.h header file.
155* Declare and define static functions in one place. Usually, this is
156  toward the start of a .c file. Minimize forward declarations of
157  static functions.
158* Function declarations should include variable names.
159* Avoid excess parentheses. Learn the
160  `operator precedence <>`_. rules.
161* Always use parentheses with sizeof. This is an exception to the rule
162  about excess parentheses.
167* Check all return statuses.
168* Validate input parameters.
169* Use debug assertions (assert).
170* Use const when appropriate for read-only function parameters
171  and compile-time constant values.
172* Do not hard code limits such as maximum instances into your code.
173* Prefer to use sizeof(variable) instead of sizeof(type).
174* Favor C automatic variables over global or static variables.
175* Use global variables only when necessary and ensure
176  atomicity of operations.
177* Do not shadow variables.
178* Avoid declaring large buffers or structures on the stack.
179* Avoid using zero (0) as a valid value. Memory often
180  defaults to being zero.
181* Favor mutual exclusion primitives over disabling preemption.
182* Avoid unnecessary dependencies, such as by not calling
183  ''printf()'' on error paths.
184* Avoid inline functions and macros with complicated logic
185  and decision points.
186* Prefer inline functions, enum, and const variables instead of CPP macros.
187* CPP macros should use a leading underscore for parameter
188  names and `avoid macro pitfalls <>`_..
193* Think portable! RTEMS supports a lot of target hardware.
194* For integer primitives, prefer to use precise-width integer
195  types from C99 stdint.h.
196* Write code that is 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit friendly.
201* Minimize modifications to `third-party code <>`_..
202* Keep it simple! Simple code is easier to debug and easier to read than clever code.
203* Share code with other architectures, CPUs, and BSPs where possible.
204* Do not duplicate standard OS or C Library routines.
209* Prefer algorithms with the `lowest order of time and space <>`_.
210  for fast, deterministic execution times with small memory footprints.
211* Understand the constraints of `real-time programming <>`_..
212  Limit execution times in interrupt contexts and critical sections,
213  such as Interrupt and Timer Service Routines (TSRs).
214* Functions used only through function pointers should be declared
215  'static inline' (RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE)
216* Prefer to ++preincrement instead of postincrement++.
217* Avoid using floating point except where absolutely necessary.
222* If you need to temporarily change the execution mode of a
223  task/thread, restore it.
224* If adding code to ''cpukit'' be sure the filename is unique since
225  all files under that directory get merged into a single library.
230* TBD: add something about the dependencies and header file layering.
231* Understand the `RTEMS Software Architecture <>'_.
233Exceptions to the Rules
236* Minimize reformatting existing code in RTEMS unless the file undergoes
237  substantial non-style changes.
238* `Third-party code <>`_.
239  should not be reformatted to fit RTEMS style.
240  Exception: unmaintained third-party code adopted and
241  maintained by RTEMS may be reformatted, subject to the
242  above rules.
247Some of the above can be assisted by tool support. Feel free to add
248more tools, configurations, etc here.
250* `Uncrustify <>`_.
251  Configuration for RTEMS:
252  `rtems.uncrustify <>`_.
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